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@Wiz @SuperSnekFriend @Will2Power @TheVNCritic @graves @GaryPaulWood @DiamondMind @thebitchisback That video is inspirational.
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@p @Wiz @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Will2Power @graves @thebitchisback "I would do everything to not have to stir her curry wormhole"
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@DiamondMind @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Will2Power @Wiz @graves @thebitchisback Curry ice cream.
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@p @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Will2Power @Wiz @graves @thebitchisback fuck it, doxxing p, IDGAF, cause I got nothing left to lose... Nobody can hurt me anymore...
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@DiamondMind @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Will2Power @Wiz @graves @thebitchisback I never played the taiko game much, but DDR, I can probably still fuckin' kill it.
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@p @TheVNCritic @graves @DiamondMind @thebitchisback @Wiz @Will2Power @GaryPaulWood
Japan, please!
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@p @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Will2Power @Wiz @graves @thebitchisback screaming and creaming and dreaming!!!!
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@DiamondMind @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Will2Power @Wiz @graves @thebitchisback They look more like they are doin' business than that they're gonna screw.
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@SuperSnekFriend @p @GaryPaulWood @TheVNCritic @Will2Power @Wiz @graves @thebitchisback latest news- an elephant went on a stampede and critically injured 26 indians in India. I hope the elephant is okay
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@DiamondMind @TheVNCritic @graves @p @thebitchisback @Wiz @SuperSnekFriend @Will2Power
Ganesh may remove obstacles, placing another in your path to keep the balance of dharma. Or stomp on your head and/or balls. It's a mood thing
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@p @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Will2Power @Wiz @graves @thebitchisback you are BURNING IN THE FIRES OF HELLTHREAD, DEMON!!!!!
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@DiamondMind @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Will2Power @Wiz @graves @thebitchisback Even if I was still in LA, like...look up the median incomes of all the places that are on fire.
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@p @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Will2Power @Wiz @graves @thebitchisback yea all rich jews and pedophile celebrities. This is divine judgement before the final act of the apocalypse of ages
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@DiamondMind @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback
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@p @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Will2Power @Wiz @graves @BasedLunatic @Frank @Toppo @eemmaa @georgia @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @p @thebitchisback oh yea... i'm in the mood for some HELL
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@BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @p @thebitchisback what? we can go to HELL??!??!
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@DiamondMind @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback
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@p @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback HELLBOUND, DEMON!!!
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@DiamondMind @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback
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@p @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!!!!
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@DiamondMind @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback
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@p @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback
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@DiamondMind @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback
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@BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @p @thebitchisback what if i became a Dalit and i rode my bicycle to Sweden to marry a white woman?
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@DiamondMind @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback
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@p @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback and laos fuck Jesus too
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@DiamondMind @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback
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@BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @p @thebitchisback the author of the Indian Constitution is Dr Ambedkar, a dalit. He studied law at the law college in London. One of the most educated indians. So he came back to India and the illiterate brahmin scum wouldnt even sit with him or eat with him cause he was a dalit. He was a Freemason too, and later on he rejected Hinduism and promoted Buddhism.
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@DiamondMind @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback That's interesting, I'd never heard of the guy.
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@p @BasedLunatic @TheVNCritic @graves @Frank @munir @DiamondMind @thebitchisback @eemmaa @Toppo @Wiz @ins0mniak @georgia @Will2Power @mint @GaryPaulWood @jae
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@SuperSnekFriend @BasedLunatic @DiamondMind @Frank @GaryPaulWood @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback
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@p @BasedLunatic @TheVNCritic @graves @Frank @munir @DiamondMind @thebitchisback @eemmaa @Toppo @Wiz @ins0mniak @georgia @Will2Power @mint @GaryPaulWood @jae
Saving that by the way.
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@SuperSnekFriend @BasedLunatic @DiamondMind @Frank @GaryPaulWood @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback
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@BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @p @thebitchisback He said "I believe in the religion of liberty, equality, and fraternity", Freemasonry is good and promotes evolution. He also spoke against the idea of a Hindu ruling state, which is what India is currently undergoing, and why India is getting worse and worse
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@p @BasedLunatic @TheVNCritic @graves @Frank @munir @DiamondMind @thebitchisback @eemmaa @Toppo @Wiz @ins0mniak @georgia @SuperSnekFriend @Will2Power @mint @GaryPaulWood @jae
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@BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @p @thebitchisback ankita and her sexy sister Shweta are brahmins but they need to get redeemed by white cock
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@p @BasedLunatic @TheVNCritic @graves @Frank @munir @DiamondMind @thebitchisback @eemmaa @Toppo @Wiz @ins0mniak @georgia @Will2Power @mint @GaryPaulWood @jae
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@SuperSnekFriend @BasedLunatic @DiamondMind @Frank @GaryPaulWood @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback
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@pyrate @BasedLunatic @graves @Frank @munir @DiamondMind @p @thebitchisback @Toppo @Wiz @ins0mniak @georgia @SuperSnekFriend @Will2Power @mint @GaryPaulWood @jae girls dont exist on the internet
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so ur a gril?
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lies, we gave them all iphones (a mistake)
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@pyrate @BasedLunatic @graves @Frank @munir @DiamondMind @p @thebitchisback @Toppo @Wiz @ins0mniak @georgia @SuperSnekFriend @Will2Power @mint @GaryPaulWood @jae you were mistaken we all had penises
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@pyrate @SuperSnekFriend @BasedLunatic @graves @Frank @munir @DiamondMind @p @thebitchisback @eemmaa @Toppo @Wiz @ins0mniak @georgia @Will2Power @mint @GaryPaulWood @jae I'm just your standard propane gas gril.
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@eemmaa @BasedLunatic @DiamondMind @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback It's where I keep mine.
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well, where else would you store your pee?
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@pyrate @BasedLunatic @graves @Frank @munir @DiamondMind @p @thebitchisback @Toppo @Wiz @ins0mniak @georgia @SuperSnekFriend @Will2Power @mint @GaryPaulWood @jae PEE IS NOT STORED IN THE BALLS
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@p @BasedLunatic @TheVNCritic @graves @Frank @munir @DiamondMind @thebitchisback @eemmaa @Toppo @Wiz @ins0mniak @georgia @Will2Power @mint @GaryPaulWood @jae
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@SuperSnekFriend @BasedLunatic @DiamondMind @Frank @GaryPaulWood @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback bottom text
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@p @BasedLunatic @graves @Frank @munir @DiamondMind @thebitchisback @Toppo @Wiz @ins0mniak @georgia @SuperSnekFriend @Will2Power @mint @GaryPaulWood @jae blasphemy
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@eemmaa @BasedLunatic @DiamondMind @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback
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@p @BasedLunatic @graves @Frank @munir @DiamondMind @thebitchisback @eemmaa @Toppo @Wiz @ins0mniak @georgia @SuperSnekFriend @Will2Power @mint @GaryPaulWood @jae need to replay ghost trick
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@romin @BasedLunatic @DiamondMind @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback It's a great game.
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@p @BasedLunatic @graves @Frank @munir @DiamondMind @thebitchisback @Toppo @Wiz @ins0mniak @georgia @SuperSnekFriend @Will2Power @mint @GaryPaulWood @jae
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@eemmaa @BasedLunatic @DiamondMind @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback
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@p @romin @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback eat the curry... feel the fury...
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@DiamondMind @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @romin @thebitchisback Yuri Fury
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@p @BasedLunatic @graves @Frank @munir @DiamondMind @thebitchisback @Toppo @Wiz @ins0mniak @georgia @SuperSnekFriend @Will2Power @mint @GaryPaulWood @jae
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@eemmaa @BasedLunatic @DiamondMind @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback
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@p @BasedLunatic @graves @Frank @munir @DiamondMind @thebitchisback @Toppo @Wiz @ins0mniak @georgia @SuperSnekFriend @Will2Power @mint @GaryPaulWood @jae
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@eemmaa @BasedLunatic @DiamondMind @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback
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@halberd @p @BasedLunatic @TheVNCritic @graves @Frank @munir @DiamondMind @thebitchisback @eemmaa @Toppo @Wiz @ins0mniak @georgia @SuperSnekFriend @Will2Power @mint @GaryPaulWood @jae A true veteran.
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@TrueMasterCole @halberd @p @BasedLunatic @TheVNCritic @graves @Frank @munir @thebitchisback @eemmaa @Toppo @Wiz @ins0mniak @georgia @SuperSnekFriend @Will2Power @mint @GaryPaulWood @jae i could buy you all burgers
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@DiamondMind @TrueMasterCole @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @halberd @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback I had Whataburger, it was not bad. :hanksmoking:
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damn I love cirno
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@Pi_rat Everybody loves Cirno.
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@TrueMasterCole @halberd @p @BasedLunatic @TheVNCritic @graves @Frank @munir @thebitchisback @eemmaa @Toppo @Wiz @ins0mniak @georgia @SuperSnekFriend @Will2Power @mint @GaryPaulWood @jae real men play Chinese MMORPGs like Neverwinter, Star Trek Online, Path of Exile, Perfect World, and so on
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@DiamondMind @TrueMasterCole @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @TheVNCritic @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @halberd @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback
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@p @eemmaa @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback you saying what you son of basterd bich??
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@DiamondMind @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback
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@p @Pi_rat so do i ❤️
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@fsjat @Pi_rat Gotta give Cirno some rice.
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@p @fsjat @Pi_rat
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@graf @fsjat @Pi_rat
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@graf @p @Pi_rat graf shes dirty we gotta help!!!
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@fsjat @graf @Pi_rat
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@graf @p @Pi_rat 🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚
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@p @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback HELLBOUND!!! And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, least you share in her sins, and least you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Render to her just as she rendered to you, and repay her double according to her works; in the cup which she has mixed, mix double for her. In the measure that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously, in the same measure she gave her torment and sorrow; for she says in her heart, 'I sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow.' Therefore her plagues will come in one day—death and mourning and famine. And she will be completely burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges her.
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@DiamondMind @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback
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@p @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback i will be going INTO THE MOUTH of madness. LA is the place to be, so i'll figure out how to move there with my indian wife, the level of energy available in LA is higher than anywhere else
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@p @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback stupid old elite refused to step down, or make way for a new elite, of true power, so they got burned out like cockroaches. Boomer filth, they are full of vax spike proteins and satanic blood, and are truly going to HELL!!!!!
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@DiamondMind @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback :ngh:
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@BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @p @thebitchisback this is the next birth of the current power elite, and it is a fate worse than roaring in the fires of HELL in agony!!!!!
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@p @BasedLunatic @graves @Frank @munir @DiamondMind @thebitchisback @Toppo @Wiz @ins0mniak @georgia @SuperSnekFriend @Will2Power @mint @GaryPaulWood @jae that dragon got cake
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@eemmaa @p @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback NGH?
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@p @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback YAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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@eemmaa @p @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback being born as a white woman is an evil path, and is the path to Hell
white women are the demonic feminine, and brown men are teh demonic masculine
white MEN are the divine masculine and brown WOMEN are the divine feminine
White women are going to HELL!!!!!!!
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@DiamondMind @eemmaa @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @thebitchisback YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
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@eemmaa @BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @p @thebitchisback brown women WITH the mentality of a white American woman are HELLBOUND!!!! Bitch does got some killer legs tho
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@p @fsjat Woke up to 9 notifications, coincidence? I think not
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@Pi_rat @fsjat There are no coincidences.
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@BasedLunatic @Frank @GaryPaulWood @SuperSnekFriend @Toppo @Will2Power @Wiz @eemmaa @georgia @graves @ins0mniak @jae @mint @munir @p @thebitchisback and like that, you are all set FREE from HELL!!!
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@DiamondMind @graves @Frank @munir @p @thebitchisback @eemmaa @Toppo @Wiz @ins0mniak @georgia @SuperSnekFriend @Will2Power @mint @GaryPaulWood @jae Indian barbie girl
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@p @Pi_rat @fsjat
This is cool as heck