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KushanaFan01 (kf01@breastmilk.club)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 00:55:47 JST KushanaFan01
- BowserNoodle ☦️ repeated this.
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dictatordave (dictatordave@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 00:59:18 JST dictatordave
@kf01 the human body is not designed for the modern world
its a highly tuned machine that's designed to run down other dangerous animals
your body's chemical stability relies on physical activity
so maybe not everyone has to be a powerlifter, ie fat lifter, but everyone should be encouraged to be active in some pursuit
the mandatory thing is stupid, there's ways of tricking even alleged 'smart' people
also if someone has an iq that high and they can't figure out that they need exercise they aren't intelligent, they simply scored high on a test which means fuck all -
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Wignatia (lawrencegerald@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 01:04:35 JST Wignatia
@dictatordave @kf01 husband always tells me how lifting resets his mind, removes anxiety, and gets his emotional state into harmony -
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BowserNoodle ☦️ (bowsacnoodle@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 01:08:09 JST BowserNoodle ☦️
@dictatordave @kf01 Smart people (115 IQ without good grounding in classical education and Christian morals) are good at convincing themselves that bad things are AcKshUaLLy good. I've seen it all my life. -
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BowserNoodle ☦️ (bowsacnoodle@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 01:09:06 JST BowserNoodle ☦️
@fknretardlol @kf01 @dictatordave >"Intelligence is the size of the gun, knowledge is knowing where to aim it, and wisdom is knowing when to pull the trigger." - Vox Day
The best analogy I know of for explaining it. We have a lot of high IQ people who lack wisdom (practical application of knowledge and when and where to use it). Perhaps because of bad morals or trained wrong on purpose as a joke by a society run by bad people. -
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fknretardlol (fknretardlol@decayable.ink)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 01:09:07 JST fknretardlol
higher IQ people get ruined by indoctrination
just as bad as us dummies..maybe worse even -
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CEO of Monoeye Dating (ceo_of_monoeye_dating@lab.nyanide.com)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 01:10:46 JST CEO of Monoeye Dating
@BowsacNoodle @kf01 @dictatordave Yep. I have seen MANY professors embrace "Whiplash" style education, and it's so bad that it creates this giant crack in the pipeline that creates extremely skilled and specialized professionals.
I don't like the idea of being forced to do something like this, but forcing the nation's intelligent people into a room with similar people to go do something healthy - perhaps even just once a week - is the type of thing that would bolster a worthwhile nation (and which would hasten an unworthy nation's fall). -
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CEO of Monoeye Dating (ceo_of_monoeye_dating@lab.nyanide.com)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 01:10:46 JST CEO of Monoeye Dating
@BowsacNoodle @dictatordave @kf01 Honestly putting these people in the same room where they're just forced to talk to each other - not even lifting weights - would do a lot to hammer out terrible ideas. Intelligent people do have lots of shitty ideas, but groups of intelligent people with shitty ideas can argue and change their minds. BowserNoodle ☦️ likes this. -
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dictatordave (dictatordave@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 01:10:55 JST dictatordave
@ceo_of_monoeye_dating @BowsacNoodle @kf01 imo their isolated little club of fart sniffers is part of the problem
they all cosign each other's bullshit and bad behavior, like any in group does
whats the saying about smart warriorsBowserNoodle ☦️ likes this. -
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BowserNoodle ☦️ (bowsacnoodle@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 01:20:13 JST BowserNoodle ☦️
@skylar @kf01 @dictatordave I'm not talking about college scheme. I'm talking about learning the fundamentals of humanities and Western traditions from a non-Marxist perspective. -
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skylar :confederateflag:??? :z: (skylar@misskey.yandere.love)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 01:20:14 JST skylar :confederateflag:??? :z:
@BowsacNoodle @kf01 @dictatordave classical education is a scam meant to shake down normal people for extra tuition money before they can get their overpriced piece of paper that makes the HR cunt not immediately trash their job application -
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BowserNoodle ☦️ (bowsacnoodle@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 01:22:16 JST BowserNoodle ☦️
@skylar @kf01 @dictatordave There's some cool distributist guys in the Midwest doing work to build alternatives. I heard about a school that does a combination of trade school and business school with a 4 or 5 year graduation program for 10k total cost. I can't remember the name of it but could probably find it if you're interested. -
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skylar :confederateflag:??? :z: (skylar@misskey.yandere.love)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 01:22:17 JST skylar :confederateflag:??? :z:
@dictatordave @kf01 @BowsacNoodle something's gotta give
we can't keep expecting kids to go into massive debt for their "you showed up at the correct building every day for 4 years" certificate
folks need job training and real world skills, not some smarmy fag shit about hmmm yes please analyze this poem by some europoor who lived hundreds of years ago -
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dictatordave (dictatordave@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 01:22:18 JST dictatordave
@skylar @BowsacNoodle @kf01 thankfully it seems that's a dying paradigm -
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BowserNoodle ☦️ (bowsacnoodle@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 01:26:21 JST BowserNoodle ☦️
@dictatordave @skylar @kf01 Maybe. They can try and invalidate their credentials, but the point is learning a trade that you can feed a family with and knowing how to run a business. You can take the knowledge either way or both, maybe start solo and eventually transition to more of a management of your company. It doesn't take any degree to do that anyway. -
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dictatordave (dictatordave@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 01:26:22 JST dictatordave
@BowsacNoodle @skylar @kf01 that's how you build domestic competency
i imagine the feds will move to shut them down sooner than later -
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BowserNoodle ☦️ (bowsacnoodle@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 01:31:32 JST BowserNoodle ☦️
@skylar @kf01 @dictatordave Learning the basics of how the Greeks viewed logic and the interaction with the world is not the same thing as feminist dance theory. And you're right— not everyone needs it. Point is, it should be introduced far earlier on. We used to teach "critical thinking" to pre-teens and it worked. They get it. Not all of them can apply it, but many can. Today that's uncouth because it teaches you to question authority. -
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skylar :confederateflag:??? :z: (skylar@misskey.yandere.love)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 01:31:33 JST skylar :confederateflag:??? :z:
@BowsacNoodle @kf01 @dictatordave >humanities
smells like cringe to me, whether any marxists are involved or not
not everyone has to LARP as some kind of intellectual elite like they're the son of the archduke of peepeepoopoo
we're not doing double shifts at the philosophy plant because a customer ordered 120 barrels of diogenes -
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BowserNoodle ☦️ (bowsacnoodle@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 01:59:52 JST BowserNoodle ☦️
@skylar @kf01 @dictatordave We're getting off topic here. My original comment was about the 115 IQ range and its challenges free of proper education and morality. That's not everybody, but it's something like ¼ - ⅛ of White people if my memory serves correctly. -
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skylar :confederateflag:??? :z: (skylar@misskey.yandere.love)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 01:59:53 JST skylar :confederateflag:??? :z:
@BowsacNoodle @kf01 @dictatordave part of what it means to be american is not having to care how the greeks viewed things, nor any other europeans for that matter.
"critical thinking" in schools is just going to be some cringe writing assignment that maybe 1 out of 30 kids gives a shit about, and that kid only cares cause he's chinese and will get beaten for not getting an A+ in every class -
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BowserNoodle ☦️ (bowsacnoodle@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 02:08:10 JST BowserNoodle ☦️
@kf01 Everybody likes to pretend they're smarter than Plato, but back then it would probably be a "say that to my face, nerd" moment where he'd wrestle you if you couldn't back up your claim. Dudes name was a nickname for his broad shoulders and such.