Solidarity with BRICS against US Imperialism!
#BRICS #AES #socialism #communism #USImperialism #FuckAmerica
Solidarity with BRICS against US Imperialism!
#BRICS #AES #socialism #communism #USImperialism #FuckAmerica
All of the members of BRICS aren't socialist, but the BRICS group is beneficial for the international socialist movement. It creates a platform for socialism without influence from Western capitalism, i.e., America. It's a huge asset to socialism.
@Radical_EgoCom Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa, notorious socialist countries
BRICS provides a platform for socialist and socialist-oriented states free from Western capitalist influence. It isn't perfect, but it's a huge asset to the socialist movement, and it would be foolish for socialist to not support it.
It isn't "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." It's "the enemy of my enemy who creates an international economic and political landscape that allows for socialist countries to flourish without Western capitalist influence is a huge asset."
@Radical_EgoCom I wonder which marketing agency is running the brics brand...
@Radical_EgoCom anti-USsim, instead of anti-imperialism.
The United States of America is the largest and main instigator of imperialism in the world right now. To be anti-imperialist means to be anti-America.
@Radical_EgoCom imperialism is a relation not a country. I can understand to anti-USism. They are comitting genoside crime now together with Israel. But another nation-state or imperialism is not alternative them.
BRICS creates a counterforce to Western imperialist forces by giving developing nations, especially developing socialist nations, an economic and political platform that prioritizes the interests of developing nations. It's one of the greatest forces against imperialism today.
BRICS being useful to anti-imperialism and opposing US hegemony is pushing the world more towards socialism/communism because US imperialism is the biggest threat to socialism right now.
Russia, China, India have big imperialist intentions themselves... At least under current govs.
They have zero to do with Liberation. Brazil is decent atm but is still half under control of big Agro/Cattle Farmers (Bolsonaro style).
None of the Brics states r big on actual socialism.
Can Brics still be usefull to Anti-Imperialist struggle, specially breaking up US-Hegemony? Yes! R Brics pushing the world towards social/communism? I don't think so...
Happy to be proven wrong.
The responses to this reddit post "Thoughts on BRICS" from a year ago explain perfectly why it's good to ally with BRICS. There aren't that many, so it's an easy read.
@Radical_EgoCom Russia has been run by a fascist for the past 25 years, who persecutes LGBTQ people, has people thrown out windows, invaded a sovereign country and committed war crimes. Is this who you seek solidarity with? Hard pass!
@Radical_EgoCom The paradigm of nations and better imperialists is the same as the biggest imperialist paradigm, we need something else.
Then fucking make something else, because that's the best that the world has right now in terms of countering US imperialism.
If you aren't interested in educating yourself on the topic, then get the fuck out of here then.
@Radical_EgoCom I just gave you some good reasons not to ally with BRICS. It's even easier to read.
The fact of the matter is that BRICS is the best tool that socialists on the international landscape have at combating capitalist and imperialist hegemony. It's far from perfect, and hopefully, in the future socialist countries will be able to create a proper socialist oriented anti-imperialist coalition, but BRICS is the best that we have right now.
@Radical_EgoCom Yes! Multipolar imperialism!⸮
I'm not understanding.
I completely disagree with your definition of international socialism, nations, and states. I have no idea what you mean by "cooperation of people's," as that's an extremely vague phrase that doesn't really mean anything on its own, but nations and states are associations of people's, and a cooperation of nations and states would also, in turn, be that as well. 1/2
BRICS is a cooperation of nations and states, not a cooperation of peoples.
International socialism is solidarity with people and civilian organizations, thus I don't think expressing solidarity with the BRICS, even against US imperialism is desirable.
Even if BRICS were not an association of people's, whatever that's supposed to mean, it's still currently the best organization for combating US imperialism, which is the biggest threat to socialism right now. BRICS is not a perfect coalition, and I hope that in the future, a truly socialist international coalition is created, but currently, BRICS is the best that socialists have in terms of combating US imperialism. 2/2
India, Brazil, and South Africa have historically not engaged in imperialism in the conventional sense. The most they've done is exert their regional influence. China has been accused of economic imperialism with their Belt and Road Initiative, and Russia's foreign policy actions have caused many to accuse them of imperialism, but that's still only two-fifths of BRICS, not all of them except South Africa, but none of this is even important because...1/2
@Radical_EgoCom Each country of the brics are imperialist (except may be SA)
...none of this changes the fact that BRICS is the most beneficial asset to the international socialist movement due to it's willingness to cooperate with socialist countries and how it protects its members from Western imperialism, which is the biggest threat to the international socialist movement. 2/2
BRICS makes alliances and trade deals with socialist countries. America actively tries to destroy socialist governments through tariffs and supporting coups to overthrow socialist states. BRICS is obviously more left-friendly for this fact alone. BRICS also provides alternatives to Western financial institutions like the IMF and World Bank, which takes socialist states out of the influence of Western imperialism, which as I've mentioned previously, is the biggest threat to #socialism.
@Radical_EgoCom pas si sûr que la Russie, l'inde et le Brésil (de Bolsonaro) soit plus gauche friendly et plus ouvert et moins des menaces pour le prolétariat et ses droits, syndicalisme santé etc.
Et c'est pas pour rien non plus que la chine est devenu l'Eldorado des multinationales grâce à son faible coût de main-d'œuvre, la flexibilité de celle ci, son absence de norme environnementale contraignant etc.
Abattre l'impérialisme occidental pour promouvoir des états autoritaires/réactionnaires/impérialistes c'est pas le move que tu crois.
Russia and Putin deserve plenty of criticism, but BRICS is still a major asset to the international socialist movement.
@Radical_EgoCom fuck Russia trough fuck Putin
Russia is one of the most significant members of BRICS due to its large economy, natural resources, and international influence. Russia is crucial for BRICS to be a force capable of counterbalancing against Western imperialism, i.e., the US. Kicking Russia out is out of the question.
@Radical_EgoCom they should kick him out then no one needs this fucker
@Radical_EgoCom @Yaminosenshi Sounds like the Russian propaganda machine has made it to Mastodon
What's false about what I said?
You aren't wrong.
@Radical_EgoCom this debate looks similar to the one that led to the fall of the 3rd international.
"An opportunistic alliance motivated by desperation" is the best way to describe socialist countries allying with BRICS. It would be much better to have a modern-day Cominterm, but there isn't one. BRICS is the best that socialist countries have at the moment at combating US imperialism, their main threat, and my hope is that overtime, as more and more countries become socialist, a true international socialist alliance can be created and render alliances like BRICS obsolete.
@Radical_EgoCom it would be stupid for the communists not to take advantage of the struggle between imperialist power blocs. this is what happened, after all, with the October revolution. We could even say that the October revolution was partially a direct result of the imperialist struggle: Lenin was almost wheeled in from Switzerland by the central empires to cripple the russian imperialism.
The BRICS are obviously the underdog here (for how long, though?), but it is a fragile opportunistic alliance where every partner is moved by nationalistic and imperialistic motives. They do not support socialism, they are just vultures that side with some of the victims of US imperialism because they know that they do not have choices.
You know this topic better than I, so why do you say that? What extra qualities did Comintern have that BRICS is lacking?
Why not?
@Radical_EgoCom hell nah
The Cominterm was entirely made up of socialist countries with the intended goal of world socialist revolution. BRICS is not entirely socialist and has no such specific goal.
China is definitely the greatest asset to BRICS, with Russia being the second, but if Russia were to leave BRICS, it would still be a huge blow to the alliance.
@Radical_EgoCom @Yaminosenshi although I have a romantic vision of Slavic people (and in particular Russians - and I'm perfectly aware of how despicable russian imperialism has been in the last 2 centuries) as the one that paid the highest blood tribute to defeat the Nazis and the pushed the boundary of science and technology bringing the first man to space, the big weight there is obviously China, with an economy that is an order of magnitude bigger than Russia and being, in essence, the biggest industrial economy in the world. It was China who decided that the Ukrainian war had to begin after the Beijing Olympics.
The contradictions that Russia introduces into BRICS could be potentially damaging to the alliance, but Russia also provides essential benefits to the BRICS alliance, such as its large geopolitical influence that allows BRICS to extend its influence outside of BRICS, and while it's fossil fuel business can potentially lead to damage, it also provides BRICS allies with energy security. Also, its massive military is a huge asset to BRICS.
@Radical_EgoCom @Yaminosenshi I misread your post, I need to sleep.
But Russia, with it's aggressive behaviour and its terribly undiversified economy, might be a liability for China, that needs open global markets for its economy to prosper. Also, Russia's main business - fossil fuel extraction - is going to damage every other member of BRICS in potentially catastrophic ways already in the medium term.
From my interpretation of the image, it isn't trying to convey that BRICS is socialist or communist, but that BRICS is an arm of the international socialist and communist movement in its fight against US imperialism. Interpreting it that way, the image does match reality.
@Radical_EgoCom @zassenhaus Putin still an dick head
@Yaminosenshi @Radical_EgoCom I do agree that Putin is basically a 21st century tzar, and I would like to remind that Bolsheviks didn't like tzars much.
And to the general point, are BRICS an asset for socialism? Possibly, partially, see above. Does this justify support for Russia in the Ukrainian war? Hell no. Russia happens to be, by pure chance, on the right side on the Israeli-Palestinian war, just because they oppose American imperialism.
In any case, I think we agree that the cartoon of BRICS punching America with a red arm with hammer and sickle painted on it does not really match reality much
US imperialism is an active and the biggest threat to existing socialist countries and to socialism in general. China, Russia, and the entire BRICS coalition support socialist countries by providing them with trade and development opportunities outside of Western imperialist control. Socialist countries allying with BRICS is the best thing they can do right now, and socialist all over the world should support BRICS as an important asset to the international socialist movement.
@Radical_EgoCom so, Russian and Chinese imperialism are OK for you. You support totalitarian states. I don't.
Are you going to just keep calling what I'm saying bullshit, or are you going to actually make an argument that explains why what I'm saying is bullshit?
@Radical_EgoCom I hope that you are just kidding and don't really believe the bullshit you say. Anyway, you are free to support totalitarian states (China, Russia, Iran), far-right governments (India, Egypt...).
@Radical_EgoCom This link is in response to all of the "inter-imperialism" themed replies. There is currently 1 empire.
From Justin Podur's substack:
@Radical_EgoCom @ozgurelibol I think the most effective strategy is to resist local. If you live in America, resist American imperialism. If you live in Russia, resist Russian imperialism. If you live anywhere resist empire there because empire wants it all. We need comrades everywhere doing their important and critical work.
There is currently 1 empire.
@Radical_EgoCom @nul42 No, this is wrong. After first Syrian war, US is not unique boss. This was a trigger of new modernity era. Above all, identity with BRICS king of capitalist nation-state to socialism is comic. It brings me my mind this is petrified in 20 century style political understandings. Yes US-England represent a big imperialist front and they are enemy of publics. So others are.
Ah, so no. You're unable to give a rational and analytical reason why supporting BRICS isn't good and can only keep pointing and me saying "yOu sUPorT fAsCisT" over and over. Get the hell out of here with that and come back when you have a real argument.
@Radical_EgoCom I've already explained: you support fascist, nationalist, imperialist states. There can't be any justification for this.
Thank you!
@Radical_EgoCom You are doing an amazing job educating all these people on BRICS! Thank you for that!
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