@cstross "If he's against it, I should be for it" is certainly a supportable position to take, but I've read a few articles like this one claiming that the Wikimedia Foundation is already swimming in cash and (in Mozilla fashion) almost none of it gets spent on making the encyclopedia better, so I don't know what to make of that: https://slate.com/technology/2022/12/wikipedia-wikimedia-foundation-donate.html
@jwz@cstross I also consider this. I have donated to WP before and support them still. If you’re interested in spending some time on WP, become an editor! It is fascinating and there is a lot of great opportunities to execute the vision of an idealized WP unto the world 🙂
@hlabrande@Diplodocus@cstross That is good work and I wish you luck with that, but my few experiences trying to edit Wikipedia meant dealing with people who were so amazingly toxic that it's a definite "no thanks, never again" for me.
@Diplodocus@jwz@cstross I honestly am more and more of that outlook - it'd be great if WMF could just run off of their endowment's returns forever but ultimately it means nothing if we let assholes or worse run the place. Imagine the money Musk could spend training people to get elected as admins after a few years. So my 2025 resolution is to spend more time on there arguing and holding the fort
@jwz@cstross If you read several inflammatory articles about how people who are doing a thing you like have "too much" money in reserve and are not spending it.
Consider what motivates such an article and whether you are target of an attempt to create a negative view of an organization that you currently have a positive view of.
Musk is an object lesson in the perils of losing all sense of proportion—he got insanely, ridiculously rich overnight but retained the value framework of a middle class fifty-something twitter-obsessed edgelord from the dot-com era.
Musk is like if Hitler in 1941 was obsessed with painting his W40K Space Marines miniatures instead of running an empire, but had bad hand/eye coordination so paid minions to do it for him and was a seething ball of spite and resentment as a result.
@cstross I was thinking similarly. I've been trying to ignore the nag messages (donating doesn't help, I've done so before) but Musk's opposition makes it very tempting.
@Antiqueight@cstross I do have one, which I occasionally use to edit or create articles, usually resulting in unreasonable deletion or reversion (which is why I stopped donating).