@bleedingphoenix the claim has been that this is sufficient for it. and I can believe that something like chatgpt ends up encoding a lot of patterns and even patterns of patterns
@Jens_Rasmussen I saw somewhere that someone was using one of these to automatically generate RPG NPC text in like skyrim or oblivion. Seems like a very cool feature.
@sickburnbro Something actually related to language-model AI. A guy trained an AI on 4chan /pol/, and it turned out to be more truthful than other AIs at the time.
@Jens_Rasmussen at some point you're going to have your own personal AI running in your furnace room, and it will be kind of like a jarvis from ironman - it will help you keep all those details that are easy to drop and you'll be able to use it to just get more shit done.
@sickburnbro f they can't grasp concepts without massive volumes (half of all posted content+!?) of data, perhaps it's time to drill down to the user layer and start evaluating things by taking one step back at a time.
@BowsacNoodle indeed, and I think that will happen, but we're probably near the end of the explosive growth achievable by just running a lot of text through them
@sickburnbro so you are saying that we must educate all people as poets and scientist and have them write novels, poems, papers and whatnot to feed the AI until the robot overlord is completed?
@sickburnbro LLMs are already a massive cope. They can't think, they're glorified search engines. AI isn't a thing and it, hollyjew has completely warped people's expectations.