Well that sounds absolutely fucking horrifying :blobcatsipsweats:
I don't think I've ever had a dream like that fren. I did have a dream a few days again where I had apparently murdered someone. I don't remember killing them, I just knew I was in the room with a dead individual, trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do. I think I was talking to a friend/lawyer, and then I was back in the room and the body was gone. I guess I had taken care of it and forgotten, but I knew I probably had to deal with the blood that couldn't be seen. I was thinking about not wanting to go to prison and then I woke up.
It was a very not good dream and I never want to have one like that again.
@Kagekokoro@themilkman@Gran3Walder Sometimes when I barely start to dream I will feel it rapidly flash in my mind in less than a second, usually accompanied by a loud sound(like vidrel), and then it abruptly ends there.
@Curvin@Gran3Walder@Kagekokoro ever had a dream where you die, and then your brain just "turns off", you are conscious, you can remember that period, but during that black 10 seconds you do not think, you do not think about anything.
you don't breathe during that period, you wake up because your body forces you back to life by forcing you to inhale, it's a very weird feeling, it's like your brain is tricked into death.
i had a dream where i was getting decapitated with a machete or a sword, the thing was that the decapitation wasn't smooth at all. it took 3 slashes to get my head off, i was struck right on the back of my head. i felt the pain of a broken neck but still living, i shook my head as much as i could, i couldn't scream but i did make noise, on the second hit it was very painful, but the pain quickly stopped after the shock, and i felt super warm in my head, by the third one it finally got my throat, and finally fully got my head off my body. i was still "alive" for like 2 seconds before it just went black, after 10 seconds of raw nothing, i wake up again because i was forced to breathe. it was a very weird experience, i think to some degree i did "die" i cannot explain how when i say nothing i mean literally nothing, there wasn't any monologue, there wasn't any processing, it was just nothing. but seeing as i do remember those 10 seconds, some processing must have been going on, which it didn't feel like
@Kagekokoro@Curvin@Gran3Walder some of my dreams are awful, some are just fucking silly, like the one where i WENT TO WORK AND WORKED and then i woke up and had to go to work
You seem to have very vivid dreams. Are you always yourself in them?
Mine are always pretty detached, like I'm watching myself from inside myself. They also jump around a lot. I'm in one place and then another. I can usually only remember the very last thing, but sometimes I remember 2~3 sequences/scenes back.
I cannot lucid dream (that I can remember anyway). There are only maybe 2 or 3 times where I realized I was in a dream. Usually when I do I try to get the girl since it's a dream. It's sad when you can't get the girl, even in your dreams 😅
@djsumdog@Curvin@Gran3Walder@Kagekokoro had a dream where a guy died and i went to his funeral and everything and then i wake up and didn't think about, 2 days later i go to work and he was just there and i stood there and processed it for like 10 seconds
Yea I remember just trying to touch a girl and I literally couldn't hug her. Like I was aware I was in a dream, but if I tried to change anything about it, I was running into a wall; everything just fell like mirrors and glass around it.
I think I have gone from lucid to non-lucid a few times, but it didn't feel like memories being whips so much as just returning into a state where I'm sorta an observing passenger. I mean, I'm not. I'm doing the actions. But I'm also .. not .. it's almost like meditation if that makes sense.
I'm sure everyone has very different types of dreams. Yours sound pretty intense. I'm sure I might have intense dreams too, but I don't remember a lot of mine. When I was younger, I'd write down my dreams right when I woke up. I typed out a bunch of them back in the day. I sold my old website domain and never put the dreams back up, but they're all in the archive:
@djsumdog@Curvin@Gran3Walder@Kagekokoro yeah i am always myself in them, there are many times where i do lucid dream but i am still kind of like half retarded in most of them, so i never really do much of interest, one time i was lucid, so my boss spawned in and i just blew him up like mr.manhattan then he respawned and i did it again and again.
i will ruin your dreams, but you cannot get hard in a lucid dream, aka you cannot get aroused nor feel good in a lucid dream either, even if you got the girl you wouldn't be able to "enjoy it".
if you want something really fun, ever remember going from lucid to non-lucid?
i remember it only once, usually when i sleep i just think to myself a lot in bed when i eventually get pulled into the dream smoothly, one time i was able to keep my lucidity, but i actually remember losing it in real time, it was very horrifying, because you can FEEEEL your memories being wiped in real time, you try to keep yourself in-tact the best you could. i was screaming and rolling in the dream, and when the process finished, i just stood up in slight confusion and went on to play my role totally ignorant of what happened, the only reason i remember is because i was almost immedietly waken up again, i actually bet this thing happens all the time but you don't remember it.
you can remember details of dreams via sensory memories, your sensory memories are very much strong, much stronger than your visual ones, i know there was one where i lost an eye, because i remember the sensation of it being stabbed, followed by me going around with just one eye. it was weird waking up and thinking to yourself "wait, my left eye works" but that's how it is sometimes.
I had a dream where my high school girlfriend started fucking me while I was in the back seat of a car with my dad driving. .... It was very .. unnerving.
if i was railing anyone in my teen dreams, it was my moms BFF from uni she was crazy. you know panam from cyberpunk? when i saw her in the game i was so confused because she was pretty much a carbon copy
@djsumdog@Curvin@Gran3Walder@Kagekokoro yeah my dreams are very filled with detail and are very sensually rich, touch and smell my dreams pretty much have perfected, if i touch wet rubber for example, i can feel it, i can smell it. as well as a strong feeling of impact and pain, so when a dream is painful, i get to feel it to the extent, and it can leave you very confused when you have a certain kind of dream that is recurring where you have pain in one spot that you remember feeling, but have never actually truly experienced, or has been LOOOONG since the scar has healed