Milei revalued the peso, has fiscal surplus, balanced trade balance, country risk lowered to 750, bonds and stocks go up, freed imports, and made macro stability //// is three month and beer still same price, great guy Miller. Hugz!
@adachi@waifu it seems incredibly retarded to make numbers and lines go up and cutting important government spending to please american overlords. this does reduce inflation because inflation isnt a real thing and if you please the corpos enough yeah they wont jack up the prices unnecessarily
@meso@waifu Now how many of these people are people that refuse to work and lived of the welfare state. The Argentinian equivalent of gypsies. :senkohmm: :not_like_this: oh my god can you guys stop he didn't cut any welfare, he actually DOUBLED it, 95% of the cuts were from useless govmn employees
@menherahair@waifu@adachi theres literally no one who goes around telling people "yo dude the cash money value is more expensive you gotta sell shit for more now yknow cuz i printed some random guy 500 more bucks now everything has to be more expensive get it sorted" they just decide to make shit more expensive and it snowballs into constantly increasing
@waifu@menherahair@adachi inflation is nonsensical babble theres no such thing as reducing inflation you just round up all the corporate executives and you slit their throats thats how you get rid of inflation my coke shouldnt cost 2 levs
@waifu@meso@phnt MUH BUREAUCRACY same rhetoric of the muskrat. No, it's not bad to have government employees. Pretty much every 'good' modern nation (Japan, Germany, Most scandanavian countries, etc) have tons of bureaucracy. Funnily enough it stops authoritarians rising to power easily.
Who complains else complains about 'useless bureaucracy'? Nazis. Who want less 'bureaucracy' and for the bureaucracy that is there to be 'staffed by believers' or 'patriots' AKA loyalty over skill.
Here in the UK, civil servants cant be in a political party, because their duty is first to the people.
Undermining and sowing distrust in bureaucracy is literally the first thing fascists do, even before blaming a minority.
@coolboymew@waifu yeah idk it sounds about right that his policies would do that. the MSM has a way better interest in promoting Milei than speaking against him.
@coolboymew@waifu mileibros have a victim complex theyre like broooo a kike backed by the western elite is so anti establishment or whatever like nah dawg he just wants to sell your country to americans
@coolboymew@meso@waifu i doubt some of the propaganda aired was even legal but who will you take legal actions against they offshored all of this to their chinese overlords ahah, classic, there was a point when I noticed it was a waste of time to debate with random people that aren't gonna change their mind, and aren't really interested in the topic. They're not trolls per se, but just idiots I knew he was making shit up when he brought the 57% poverty number in argentina, it is literally misinformation and it's the only "bad" number anyone can even call because everything else is in the green. kukas will find something to complain about every time my dude :pleromatanshrug:
Oh, my mistake: anyone who disagrees with you is only very likely a nazi, that clears everything up then; definitely not a shitlib with that attitude 🙄
Fascist regimes were mired in bureaucracy. "The merger of state and corporate power" requires armies of pencil pushers to oversee industry, not to mention the layers upon layers required to impose authoritarian control on a population. How could you even claim a regime that demanded to see everyone's 'papers' everywhere they went was devoid of bureaucrats? Who do you think was issuing all the papers and all the rules about whom was allowed where??
Not to mention that by this logic, anarchy is merely a branch of fascism because it rejects rule by unelected empty suits just as much as it does by dictators or mob rule.
In short, your claims are historically illiterate and patently absurd.
You said "That was the correct decision. Nonsensical drivel with obligatory shitlib "...and if you disagree you're literally a nazi!" 🙄"
BEFORE I made the Jew analogy.
I said that because you said I was 'calling everyone Nazi's' even though I provided backing to my claim. I didn't say you are a Nazi, though it's very likely (This is Fedi after all) I said that this same rhetoric of anti-bureaucrats is what can lead to fascism, when you remove checks and balances it has a knock on effect.
Firstly, I'm not a 'Shitlib'. Secondly, you didn't even address anything I said. If you say 'I hate Jews, they're ruining society' and I say, oh hey, that sound like what the Nazi's said, you can't just go 'There goes the left, calling EVERYONE Nazi's!'
Yeah, because I wasn't talking to you. Learn how to read a thread m8.
If you say 'I hate Jews, they're ruining society' and I say, oh hey, that sound like what the Nazi's said, you can't just go 'There goes the left, calling EVERYONE Nazi's!'
Wierd how nobody said anything like that, and you still called everyone a nazi for disagreeing with you tho.
"Oh yeah? Well if everything was completely different, then I'd be right!"
Don't you see how 👆 this is a tacit admission that when things aren't completely different, you are wrong? go for it my dude here's some more that i really like: :chad::clueless::saul::abyss::ai_woozy2:🤓:pleroma_fox_tan::pleroma_sus::pleroma::avgn_shocked::bestcat::fediverse::duckdance::eggdog::fumotoast::gigachad2::gosling::harold::jamesavgn::jerry_thankyou::jesus::kirbysweat::mind_blown_boar::reimufumo::tedksmug::terryyeah::yes_nord::shyduck::polarbear::polarbear_fire:
@meso@coolboymew@waifu LMAO they keep saying 'bait!' when this nigger is a LITERAL jew who wants to sell out Argentina to america these retards dont live in reality
Oh so they like the right kind of bureaucrats?? So they don't
attack bueacrats, calling the systems 'bloated', 'useless', etc.
Moving the goalposts much? And by the way, just look at the federal budget. I don't know about every other country, but here it's just a fact that they are in fact 'bloated and useless'. We're 34 trillion-with-a-T dollars in debt thanks in large part to these tax-eating parasites.
I'm not calling you, or Milei, Nazi's.[sic]
Oh, so you're just saying "calling unelected officials 'unelected officials' is what a fascist woud do" for no particular reason or implication?
"Do you eat vegetables? You know HITLER was a vegetarian! I'm not calling you a nazi, I'm just saying why would you even eat vegetables when everyone knows they were HITLER'S favorite food?"
Gtfo with your nazi fetish. Nobody's buying your Mott and Bailey BS we all see what you're doing.
do you want demagogues to be elected to positions of immigration or taxation? Or hell, the central bank or the military?
I'm an anarchist dummy, I don't want any of those things done at all. It doesn't make me a fascist to say I don't want them done by demagogues OR that I don't want them done by bueacrats.
You don't even know what a 'right wing government' is. Fascism is a left-wing ideology. Mussolini was an ardent socialist who got tired of seeing his comrades slaughtered in abortive revolution attempts and explicitly invented fascism as a pragmatic approach to implementing his socialist ideals by co-opting the existing power structure instead of overthrowing it. He praised stalin as 'an exemplar of fascism in practice'. It wasn't an accident that the nazis called themselves "national socialists".
You're just spouting buzzword salad with absolutely no coherence, just 'everyone who disagrees is a nazi (but I'm not calling you a zazi)', as per shitlib 101. So if you don't want to be called 'a shitlib' in future, you might want to reconsider your debate style. And like, actually know facts and make logical arguments.
Funny then that most every right wing government world-wide right now is attacking bueacrats, calling the systems 'bloated', 'useless', etc.
"Fascist regimes were mired in bureaucracy."
What kind of bureaucracy though? The apolitical, decentralized kind? Or the kind which has unlimited, full control from the head of state? These are in fact very different. The point I was making is Nazi's hate the idea of government departments which don't always have to answer to a president. Unelected officials, a common word used by fascists to refer to these apolitical departments, employed because people hate the idea of someone unelected having control over their lives... even though we do this constantly, and would be unreasonable to expect otherwise. After all, do you want demagogues to be elected to positions of immigration or taxation? Or hell, the central bank or the military?
"Not to mention that by this logic, anarchy is merely a branch of fascism because it rejects rule by unelected empty suits just as much as it does by dictators or mob rule."
I guarantee you Mr Milei is not listening to David Graeber and Noam Chomsky. You can tell the difference between who is making these critiques... I'll ask you do you believe Milei is closer to the far-right of Europe, or the far left, like an anarchist? I think you know truthfully.
I'm not calling you, or Milei, Nazi's. Hell, if anything it seems to me Milei is a NATO-loving, dollar-loving Jew with America's interests at heart. I'm just saying this sort of anti-bureaucratic thinking is very, very much what can lead to fascistic regimes taking over.
@nicholas@phnt@waifu@adachi You're just spouting buzzword salad with absolutely no coherence, just 'everyone who disagrees is a nazi (but I'm not calling you a zazi)', as per shitlib 101. So if you don't want to be called 'a shitlib' in future, you might want to reconsider your debate style. And like, actually know facts and make logical arguments.
@nicholas@phnt@waifu@adachi this is what happens when youre really shit at arguing and functionally an NPC but you pick on buzzword complete sentences like "you call everyone you disagree with a nazi" and you just structure your argument on perceiving everything as that
- "Oh so they like the right kind of bureaucrats?? So they don't 'attack bureaucrats, calling the systems 'bloated', 'useless', etc."
I don't really understand what you're not understanding, Fascism is largely about rhetoric, not true actions. The point is undermining the current authority, which is largely apolitical, often leads to politicized bureaucrats in the future. See earlier, where far-right parties in Britain pledge to fill civil service jobs with 'believers'.
You seem to be a guy who *really* takes people at their word, so lets quickly talk about that.
- "Fascism is a left-wing ideology"
They'd call themselves 'Third position', but it's clear to anyone they're right wing. Pro-privatization, racist/antisemitic, pro-business, anti-union, the list goes on. Fascism was backed by business! Ford LOVED the Nazis! Mussolini *WAS* a socialist in youth, but later wasn't. Franco the Fascist literally fought a civil war against socialists. Hitler put socialists into camps, thus they saying 'First they came for the socialists.'
Do you believe The CCP is actually communist? Or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is actually Democratic? Words only carry truth when associated with actions. The Fascists of the world made their economic and social policy clear.
You are right, it wasn't an accident that the Nazis called themselves "national socialists". It was called that before Hitler joined, and he ran with it. It was a term that didn't have negative connotations back then. You believe people can't lie?
- "And by the way, just look at the federal budget. We're 34 trillion-with-a-T dollars in debt thanks in large part to these tax-eating parasites."
Who was it that started the national debt raising? Right-wing hero Reagan. Who's tenure not only drastically increased military spending, but increased poverty in the country too. Whilst drastically increasing national debt. I make no exaggeration to say Reagan was the worst president in US history, no president comes close to the long term damage done, both in literal terms, and in terms of shifting the Overton-window to his stupid neolib politics.
Regardless, I wont deny there *is* wasteful spending, but most of that is not bureaucrats, the majority of that wasteful spending is certainly in the MIC.
I will double down on the Nazi thing, you haven't rebutted this claim. I'm saying removing checks and balances makes it far easier for a Fascist regime to come about. I'm not saying Milei is a Nazi, but cutting 'the size of the government' undeniably makes it far, far easier to do drastic measures.
- "I'm an anarchist dummy, I don't want any of those things done at all. It doesn't make me a fascist to say I don't want them done by demagogues OR that I don't want them done by bureaucrats."
Do you think Milei is an Anarchist? Genuinely? He is a pro-America, pro-global banking shill who's deregulating his economy and encouraging privatization. Is private companies and America ruling 'Anarchism'?