@PunishedD@pepsi_man medical ethics has become fucking gay, because they don't want to admit it's a non-solvable problem, you can't product a logic that doesn't remove morality from it.
@sickburnbro The hand-wringing over what's "ethical" is so absurd it surely emerges solely from a desire to protect the status-quo and absolutely no other consideration.
Also this woman is nuts but congraturation to her.
@ACL9000 no, I don't think it's an issue with the status-quo here, I think it's people that are upset that someone did self-experimentation and was able to again prove that high risk can have high reward.
The secondary issue is that medical ethics desires DEEPLY to be able to formulate a logic that removes morality from the equation, and this breaks their logic in an obvious way they can't fix.
@Marakus@PunishedD@pepsi_man cancer is too broad of a term to apply that broad of a brush with. There are pretty good number of cancers that can be treated really effectively with recession and some chemo.
Cancer research and treatment is quite lucrative, so there are bound to be a lot of people who just want to make a minor improvement and milk a lifetime out of it.
@sickburnbro@PunishedD@pepsi_man From what I heard from the sseth tzentach, cancer is a super lucrative business, and no one want to cure it, and everyone knows that all treatment stop working after 6 months, and they switch to the next one. All while simple controlled fewer can kill it quite reliably (as long as your kidneys/liver can filter dead cells fast enough).
@Omega_Variant@pepsi_man yeah, from a quick reading what happened is that the injections of the viruses allowed the body to attack the tumors. My guess would be that because of how tumors turn off energy regulation it must have made them more susceptible to the viruses and then that brought the lymphocytes in.
@sickburnbro@pepsi_man This is honestly amazing. TLDR for anyone interested >injected two different viruses directly into stage 3 tumor multiple times over a month or two. Regular monitoring from physicians co-authors (planned to pull plug immediately if it failed). Viruses 'ate' the cancer and shrank it to ≈1.5.cm. Viral injections prompted PD-L1 expression (tumor was "tagged" by the body to be targeted) when no PD-L1 was detected before this therapy. Noninvasive surgery and a year on a drug and she's still clear after 45 months.
@pepsi_man@sickburnbro Your immune system plays a key role in detecting and destroying neoplastic (cancer) cells before they reach critical mass and metastasize. Aggressive cancers have developed methods to evade this natural surveillance and quality control mechanism. The holy grail of oncology is retraining the cancer patient's own immune system to once again detect and destroy the aberrant cells
This is why I freaked out about the mRNA fagcines years ago. I strongly suspected that gimping the immune system they way they do on administration would cause a cancer increase, particularly with regards to leukemia/lymphoma and particularly in younger cohorts.
@AmonMaritza@Orkin_Awk@pepsi_man@sickburnbro I got to help a bunch of people and their families avoid being poisoned. It's enough for me to sleep easy at night and stand tall when I am called to account
@Orkin_Awk@pepsi_man@sickburnbro Ironically my prize for calling this one right is sadness. Like all my prizes for years now. My trophy case overfloweth.
"How terrible is wisdom when it brings no profit to the wise!"
@TrevorGoodchild@sickburnbro@pepsi_man I'm curious as well now too, though the cancer first presented in 2016 and recurred in '18, so that can't be the only cause.
@TrevorGoodchild@AmonMaritza@Orkin_Awk@pepsi_man@sickburnbro I predicted the public's and the government's responses well enough back in Feb that year, I think thats why my family listened to me about avoiding the vax. I didn't have hard info for the first few months, just automatically assumed the first version of anything sucks.
Let dummies test it on themselves first and observe.
@BowsacNoodle@sickburnbro@pepsi_man That is cool. To cure America's cancer we will inject the browns and libtards with viruses until they turn small and squishy.
@yockeypuck@BowsacNoodle@sickburnbro@pepsi_man White cells have been confused by an invasion its been led to understand as a native part of the greater body. Need to be reoriented to correctly identify the existential threat, which is rapidly and reliably crushed and removed.
@Griffith@sickburnbro@FUCKINGWHOCARESDUDE the woman had 10 LCK, self medicated with multiple shit and cured her own cancer. What the fuck? Hell, who cares. Fund that woman so she cures cancer
@ACL9000@sickburnbro that woman had ovaries the size of jupiter. That shit requires courage gyatt damn. And while not necessarily that way, I do feel a lot of the science world doesn't try novel stuff to fix big issues because of money reasons
@mischievoustomato@ACL9000 well, the reason novel stuff doesn't happen is that if you are a researcher you have to get authorization for doing anything to patients at an institution. If the ethics committee doesn't allow it, you're not doing it there.