@EvolLove@Murray_N@walkman Just a question. Are your (plural) problems hard to go to sleep? Or disrupted sleep? Myself I hardly ever have the first, but the second type.
So after years of interrupted sleep, getting up to pee and being awake for hours before getting back to sleep, using Rick Simpson Oil or gummies to stay asleep, my wife finds a tip: Take magnesium before bed. A 240mg magnesium glycinate capsule before bed actually works. I used to get up to pee on RSO and had to steady myself or fall over. The magnesium actually had a similar effect in the middle of the night. Back in bed and back to sleep. Even a little groggy in the morning. Whooda thunk?
All the above for me. If I lay in bed for more than 30 mins staring at ceiling? I get up and do something---walk around house; outside something. and try again 45 mins later. Drives wife nuts but thats the world I live in.
Mine was hard to fall asleep. Even after training at the gym and working constructions. In the end I slept 1-2 hours per night in the week.
All of those problems are gone now. Been sleeping good for 12 straight years now.
I sometimes fall asleep before ten in the evening and I sometimes wake up half past four in the morning. Well rested and in the mood for my first cup of coffee.
Yes it was something of a boom for a while. I was in contact with many who grew and made oil.
All of them were untrained and unknowing and based their belief of how to do it from folklore from the 60s
Total confusion from old hippies ideas. Basically they used one of the following solvents, oil, water, alcohol. The closest one to make something goof was 98% alcohol. But that had to be frozen buds. And maximum 10 seconds process.