@mekkaokereke Oh fuck yeah there's racist white women out there, and lots of 'em.
Both in the US and down here.
Often, the bigots are hiding in plain sight.
As in, there's a stereotype of what a racist looks like. The shaved head, the MAGA hat, the fascist tatts, the white robe...
Yet many racists are perfectly pleasant to other white people. They're normal looking, everyday white people.
They're quite reasonable in white company, as long as no-one mentions race.
They often genuinely don't think of themselves as racist.
They even mouth the right platitudes at the right times.
It's just (and these are actual examples I've come across)...
The woman from Columbia is the most qualified candidate, but they have concerns about hiring her because of her accent.
They're celebrating International Women's Day, and every single woman in the video is white.
They couldn't find any non-white women to speak at their charity fundraising event.
They pull aside a South Asian woman, and tell her they had an Indian colleague at work who complained about racism in Australia, "and I told her if you don't like it, leave".
Someone mentions the Jews, and they start sharing what they really think.
Or they get angry at someone who's not white, and they morph from Bruce Banner into the Incredible Hulking White Supremacist. (1/2)