@sickburnbro they don't care nobody cares about any cost. you know how to make it, now you make it for 5$ and that's what I'm going to pay - t. libtard
@TrevorGoodchild@graf I was thinking about the 4chan quote about how sherlock is so stupid because it's how stupid people write smart people - which is basically "it's magic", because the planning a smart person does to make things work does in fact look like magic tricks to them.
I in fact have several examples from my life where people have gathered to watch the magic trick. One might find it funny, but in situations like this it is mostly depressing.
@Paleface@sickburnbro Simping for pharmaceuticals is not the right thing to do here. If anything they should be nationalized and all the executives publicly executed.
@wgiwf@Paleface There is an immense amount wrong in how medicine is dealt with in the US. All price controls will do is make it so no more drugs are developed here. Which might be fine.
But the ultimate problem is that medicine isn't a food. It's not a finite good, there is no limit to what you can spend.
You can always add more scans, more diagnostics, try to catch things earlier, try to keep people alive longer.
If there's one place where price controls are in order it's the pharmaceutical sector. Pfizer for example spends around 15% of their revenues on R&D (and 35% on sales, lol) while maintaining a profit margin that fluctuates around 20%, sometimes reaching as much as 40%.
@Paleface@sickburnbro I think the one idea that's been batted around is that the price charged in the U.S. cannot be higher than say, Canada. The only reason BigPill folds so quickly to international pressure is that they know they can milk the U.S. system to make up the difference.
@Paleface@EvilSandmich also note that in the US pricing is perverse - often times the way insurance works is they will require a discount as a set percentage of the cost.
Similar to this is suppliers to the federal government. The fed will require a base percent off for them to be a "GSA" and many places that have too low of a margin to be allowed just means that small third party sells will be GSA certified and drop ship from them.
They cannot possibly milk Americans so much to make up for losses in the rest of the world and still have a profit margin of 20%. The prices elsewhere are fine, they just take advantage of the retardation of the US healthcare system.
By the way, the only industries with a higher average net profit margin than pharmaceutical are banks (lol, who could have guessed?) and oil.
@Paleface@sickburnbro I've talked to people who work for BigMed and are BigMed cost apologists but when pressed with what might be wrong with the system they'll pause for a second in thought and say "BigPharma". These are people who find every excuse to defend the wretched U.S. system but they're unable to cook a defense for likes of Pfizer.
@EvilSandmich@Paleface The entire system is just an unworkable mess, there is no simple way and worse, no complex way to "solve" it that doesn't mean destroying millions of ridiculous jobs
@Dr_Edgar_Friendly_MD@sickburnbro They're not selling to anyone at a loss. Novo Nordisk paid $4.1bil for its US plant but they're raking in $30bil PROFIT a year, mostly from the US. They're robbing the whole world blind, they're just robbing you blind the most (bc your govt. is least willing to stand up for your citizens).
@sickburnbro@dubbub There are tons of these countries with pharmaceutical price controls, which they can have because we here in the US pay more, effectively subsidizing them. If we enacted price controls too, the availability of the drugs would plummet because that entire 20% margin is made off of the US market, without profiting off of us, they can't afford to sell to the others at a loss.
@EvilSandmich@Paleface in the US at least they put a huge leash on that in the last 10 years. It is VERY hard to do sales now. In the past though, yeah they'd be giving top sellers like all expense paid european vacations and shit
I just lol at the R&D argument because even from their own numbers it's obvious that it's not close to their main concern. I've also know a guy who was one of their top salesmen in Brazil and heard the stories first-hand. Whew.
@BroDrillard the reason it shouldn't be the same cost is because if your factory is in america and you say want people in poor countries to use it, they literally wouldn't be able to afford it in many cases.
Now, this isn't what is happening. But in theory most people are ok with the idea of paying more so the 3rd world can get medicines.
The point of this is not price controls. It's that ameriburgers pay ~10x for the same medication. Why shouldn't it be the same price everywhere. (note, I'm not saying it should be $5, but same)
@sickburnbro@Dr_Edgar_Friendly_MD Wdym, the figures? This is what my search said, and whether they have $12bil or $30bil raw net profit each year is tomayto tomahto. And that btw includes capital consumption for the machines. THEY certainly don't see any issues with drug development for profit.
It's like with the shavings, I don't see why you have this reflex to defend Judeo-Masonic owned companies that hate you and want you dead. When your neighborhood is overrun by brownoids they will retreat to their gated communities or Dubai with their $12-$30bil p.a. and leave you in the lurch.
@sickburnbro@Dr_Edgar_Friendly_MD It means a buncha kikes and kike-adjacents get to stuff 12-30bil into their pockets, and some middle class goy who invested in stocks (and who will bear the brunt of the next crash) makes a buck or two.
@sickburnbro@Dr_Edgar_Friendly_MD It would already be included in company expenditures, if not it's a fraction of the profits. But why would I care anyway, I don't need any new drugs. The kikes only create new drugs for the diseases they themselves manufacture.