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I'm responding to the bait and that's just stupid. nobody likes the unfair advantages that governments give to corporations. they can only get on like this when the government is big.
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@Hoss government cannot solve the problems it creates. no amount of cool tattoos will stop politicians from giving their friends unfair advantages. a political system cannot create a perfect man.
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No shit. Because if you let corporations do what they want, they eventually own the government. In a just world corpo ghouls would always fear the wrath of a powerful government that actually serves the interests of its people.
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@Hoss @goatmeal A while back a bunch of libertarians and objectivists were trying to start a commune based on the principles of Ayn Rand. They bought a deed to some wilderness in Chile and named it Galt's Gulch, then the project died when they found out the deed was fraudulent and the land they thought they bought was federally-owned.
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@mrsaturday @Hoss @goatmeal Libertarians when I have the liberty to scam them :soymad:
Communists when they are equally poor and malnourished :soymad:
Fascists when they lose the war after declaring themselves the master race :soymad:
Monarchists when their pure royal incestual blood produces infertile offspring :soymad:
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Lolbertardians when you drop the TRVTHNVKE that their ideology is just as delusionally utopian as gommunism.
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If only I had a more powerful state then I could be happy ...
Good luck building utopia.
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"I don't like the way this asshole acts and don't want to be associated with him"
"Heh, slave"
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Yes. And there are people that admire them. Mostly neoliberal scum but I've caught lolberts doing it too. Or defending them, you laugh at Microsoft giving windows aids more or less and hope if fucks them and they get testy about it. Surreal shit.
Then you mention it (and other things, pictured) and libertarians try to hide it or act like it isn't a fairly common issue among them. They refuse to address it.
That's why I stopped calling myself a libertarian.
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You'd make yourself a slave because of a picture.
Our problems are not too much freedom. The problem is that we can't compete with an infinity bucks police/ nanny state. Who needs customers when congress is your market? The bill is for you.
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Corporations are not individuals. Just like monopolies, they require state enforcement.
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Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are and they helped arrange the marriage.
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If it weren't for the state, Gates and Bezos would be vulnerable. They buy politicians because they deliver value.
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Nice goalpost move.
The query was libertarians that blindly defend corporations. Shit, even you kinda did it. You skirt all blame onto the state, just as retarded as the commies that solely blame megacorp. They're the same assholes.
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@Deplorable_Degenerate @Hoss who is defending the modern corporation? it's a mutant that's not supposed to exist. it gets subsidies, anticompetitive regulations, the bankruptcy shuffle, intellectual property etc etc. the modern corporation is not possible without a big government that routinely distorts free trade. "corporations are actually good" is only being argued by others inside your head.
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Oof. This is like hearing a tranny say 'no one wants little kids to transition'.
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@Deplorable_Degenerate @Hoss show me a libertarian who likes subsidies
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Lolberts believe that megacorp is without sin and business moguls can do no wrong. That's why they get mocked.
If you don't believe this and don't defend google blindly saying they are just being used by the NSA or whatever then you're probably not a lolbert.
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@Hoss @Deplorable_Degenerate @bobbala @goatmeal
> isn't inherently corrosive to society and the concept of civilization itself.
>civilization is ONLY when we have government will full control of everybody
Cuck, i'm sorry to tell you but culture is entirely separate from government.
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>Good luck building utopia.
Says the man whose ideology of "do as thou wilt" relies on the laughably incorrect assumption that people doing whatever the fuck they want isn't inherently corrosive to society and the concept of civilization itself.