@nyx@lucy@Jazzcraft strange closed-eye visuals (panic-inducing), difficulty recognizing objects, fucked-up short-term memory making me jump randomly at nothing, seeing terrifying faces in random patterns of visual noise, restless legs, paralyzed voice
@nyx@Jazzcraft my dph max was 2600mg i think? on top of half a bottle of absinthe. i was doing 1200-1600 every weekend for a while. i was ~60kg back then too so ld50 should haven been 1200-2400, but ime ymmv dph is very unpredictable. after that last dose i get nausea even from 300mg, can't take it even medicinally lel
i always throw up and dxm and im more sensitive to this stuff. 20 tabs max and i passed out after meeting all kinds of places and creatures i woke up in barf. i did 15-18 tabs twice a week at least for a very lomg time
@Jazzcraft@lucy I just don't do we'd very often unless I have nothing else available because even like a small amount of it will send me into a state of insanity
@snacks@mia@lucy@nyx I think it's more to do with life experiences & individual brain chemistry than anything else. I managed to get estradiol about 3 months ago and quit smoking daily 2 months ago so I do have a 1 month period where I noticed I was getting a little whackier but from what I could tell this was an experiential combination of my newfound euphoria interacting with my bombastic style rather than anything chemical.
@snacks@mia@lucy@Jazzcraft@nyx Doubt it's the case for everyone, drugs being so generally idiosyncratic, but, there are pretty good reasons to believe that estrogen might potentiate cannabis via the endocannabinoid system - namely by increasing CB1-receptor expression in the CNS, and inhibiting FAAH transcription (catabolic enzyme responsible for the breakdown of a class of endogenous lipids which includes the two primary endogenous CB receptor agonists, anandamide and 2-AG). (This article provides a good pool of sources on the topic: https://academic.oup.com/endo/article/153/3/1016/2423624?login=false#59384295)
Purely anecdotally, I am absolutely personally convinced that estradiol potentiates cannabis substantially, or at least, it can and does for my physiology. I began regularly using it about a year before starting estrogen, and have continued to, and since then achieve far greater effects from much smaller doses than I ever had before - which is why I looked into this in the first place. I've had to adjust my dosing accordingly, but, I've not noticed anything really detrimental about it - actually, it's quite nice lol, very modest amounts of weed can last me crazy long.
@nepetalactone@snacks@Jazzcraft@lucy@mia really interesting. I think a lot of it comes down to both how potent we'd is for someone depending on their physiology and then how it affects them mentally is also an idiosyncratic thing. like the thing that mia described is what I experience pretty much every time I do a we'd unless I do like a really tiny amount, and I'd always been confused by how basically everyone else cannot relate and basically treats we'd as being on the same level as cigarettes or alcohol of how casually they can do it