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that's because the RNC is probably trying to kill him
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@adequate @Paleface @NoDoxGregBrady it makes sense the literal gay faggots running the GOP would think what normal americans want to see on the stage is a mixed race porn star.
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@sickburnbro What a weird looking person. What race is that thing?
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My guess is gaynigger from outer space.
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@Paleface @NoDoxGregBrady @sickburnbro Famous Rapper fucker who championed the Slutwalk movement a few years ago. So Brave so based.
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@adequate @Paleface @NoDoxGregBrady somehow it's even worse than putting a dishonest midwestern superchurch preacher on stage.
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@dictatordave @Paleface @EssentialUtinsil @NoDoxGregBrady @adequate what's hilarious is nothing like an ugly mixed race porn star that likes to finger people's ass to make Trump look wholesome .. "he only likes having actual sex with normal women who also have big boobs!"
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@Paleface @EssentialUtinsil @NoDoxGregBrady @adequate @sickburnbro making the same big tent mistake
no one wants to be part of an inclusive shit show, but the masses of losers who can't get into exclusive clubs bitch too much and the gop are no different from the democrats in their desire to curry more favor with people's cash
but i mean they have a degenerate democrat running as their standard bearer so what did we expect? this is like beto skateboarding levels of cringe
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@sickburnbro @adequate @Paleface @NoDoxGregBrady republican values:
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Wow, this is so perfectly GOP it's unreal.
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@sickburnbro @Paleface @EssentialUtinsil @NoDoxGregBrady @adequate nothing makes sense anymore
i'm still not sure why the left is upset that he fukt a hooker and paid her, therefore stimulating the market that they championed for years
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@dictatordave @Paleface @EssentialUtinsil @NoDoxGregBrady @adequate they aren't. They initially wanted conservatives to prove their conservative values to rejecting him for sleeping with a porn star.
Then they wanted conservatives to reject him for .. not sure .. lying about sleeping with a porn star? It kind of falls apart. They basically wanted to catch him in anything they could so they could then do this: "Look, he's a criminal, the justice system has labeled him a criminal, and you are a conservative so you have to respect the justice system"
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@sickburnbro @Paleface @EssentialUtinsil @NoDoxGregBrady @adequate lol
they'll 'respect the justice system' as it is subsumed by communists who will put them in jail and legalize raping their children
conservatives are retarded
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@dictatordave @Paleface @EssentialUtinsil @NoDoxGregBrady @adequate they are a little retarded, but they're also dogs that keep getting beaten after they lost the initial culture war in the 60s. So at this point it's kind of a "if I make less noise, I'll get beaten less"
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@dictatordave @Paleface @EssentialUtinsil @NoDoxGregBrady @adequate remember, someone got fired for donating $20 to Rittenhouse.
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@sickburnbro @dictatordave @Paleface @NoDoxGregBrady @adequate when you have people so broken-brained that they don't even reject hypocrisy and contradictions, you can literally just say anything and see if it works, if it doesn't you just move on to the next idea and try that.
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@lss that's the GOP in a nutshell, yes.
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@sickburnbro seems it's a competition on who can self-sabotage the most.
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@WilhelmIII @lss indeed. And they're backstabbing gay whores.
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As much as the official left hates Trump, the GOPe hates him more.
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@yockeypuck @sickburnbro @WilhelmIII @lss I mean, considering Republicans are all faggot pedophiles this was the only possible outcome.
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@WhitestTemplar @yockeypuck @WilhelmIII @lss it never ends eh?
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@sickburnbro @WilhelmIII @lss Cool it with the anti-LGBT language, patriot.
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@sickburnbro an OPEN SATANIST porn star as well
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@branman65 even better!
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@sickburnbro what the fuck is wrong with the greasy old phaggot party
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@branman65 pretty much everything. it's pretty bad when you are saying "who the fuck even are they pandering to?"