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Having moved, by and large, from Gab to, I was taught blocking was not done here.
Sure, I've muted a few - on Gab I muted more than I followed - but I'm trying to hew to this new culture.
There seem to be a flurry of Block. Immigrants?
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@machciv The site's administration having an automated account reporting blocks is sodomite behavior. God mass-blocks the demons and those who choose evil from heaven. It is the demons who hate blocking, the demons who want in when not welcome.
However, there is simply no effective alternative to the Fediverse at this time, and blocking does not work.
However, there are ways to deal with blocks, such as deleting and then readding comments, editing comments, and mass-muting accounts, separating blocks by time, and blocking during work hours, though most griefers are loser NEETs who do not work.
As a general rule, avoid blocking people unless they specifically attack your account over multiple days. If a group goes after you, mass-mute them as needed.
There is an account created by the people running the site to swarm people who block, @ madonline, and griefers will swarm once your handle is on the list.
I will continually edit this post as time progresses and I discover more anti-anti-block tactics.
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@Neofugue1 @machciv You can always just mute people. It doesn't break threads either. Think man.
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@Sal_Equis @judgedread @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired lol - well I couldn't stand the guy. Another nazbol tbh - but that's pretty funny considering he was their inner circle for so long.
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@judgedread @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired What happened to the NJP?
Did it implode in idiocy and stupidity as I said it would?
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@thefinn @judgedread @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired They even kicked Striker from TRS, lol
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@CrustalRidge7 @judgedread Yeah confused the heck out of me too when I saw that thread.
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@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired My run in with TRS happened when I was on FSE so none of them are blocked from this account but I never see their shilling. The ignoble end of the NJP seems to have taken the wind out of their sails.
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@CrustalRidge7 Reminds me of the time I triggered the TRS/NJP brigade.
Good times, good times.
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That's exactly who they were defending. Maybe it was the same people.
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@machciv Blocking is less effective on offsite people as they can still see your profile and posts while logged in, on the other hand they go apeshit when blocked and get all their griefer psychopath friends to pile on so you can find out whose opinion is worthless at speed and generally about 200 blocks and you've erased the vermin for good.
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Yeah I had to do that to a bunch of grift plan-trusters on a few days ago after I called out one of them for his defense of a well known grift in the White Nationalist sphere. The argument lasted for over two hours and the dumb shit wouldn't let up with his petty insults. Eventually after I got him to admit that he was a degenerate I blocked and muted his ass along with anyone of his buddies that dog-piled against me during the argument. I learned my lesson on that front and whenever I see grift defenders or brainwashed plebs on my feed I'm not calling them out for it but immediately muting them if not downright blocking them. Nothing is worth the back and forth with such low-iq trash. Who the fuck thinks "gab user" is an effective insult?
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@Tony @Neofugue1 @machciv That is okay. I mute and block porno bots which made it super easy to get my TL less degenerate.
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He just doesn't like monster girls and thats okay
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@Tony @Neofugue1 @machciv That's your choice to make, and if you repost them I mute and block them. Works great for me.
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I don't follow a lot of the bots, but some of them i do.
I like a little degeneracy
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I don't repost degenerate things generally. Out of respect for people who don't like monster girls lol
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@Tony @skylar @BowsacNoodle @Neofugue1 @machciv So true :uoh:
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@King_Noticer @Tony @skylar @Neofugue1 @machciv >3'7 , 225 lbs
>Chubby goblin woman! Stay away from meeeeeeeeeeeeeya!
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mfw no monster girl gf 😭
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@Tony @BowsacNoodle @Neofugue1 @machciv you shouldn't respect people who don't like monster girls