Windows Recall…just…good god.
The phrase “Microsoft jumped the shark” just doesn’t feel strong enough. Can we say Microsoft fucked the shark?
Windows Recall…just…good god.
The phrase “Microsoft jumped the shark” just doesn’t feel strong enough. Can we say Microsoft fucked the shark?
I mean…when I first heard about it, I thought, “Maybe these screenshots of everything you ever do on your machine are immediately digested into some AI training pure, and because of that they’re claiming details aren’t recoverable,” and I was ready to be all skeptical of that…
…but then they just come out and say no, they’re just there for anybody with physical access to the machine, and…idioms fail me.
From @evacide:
@inthehands @evacide Microsoft Bob'd the shark.
@pooserville …and then they took the pooch out to a gravel pit and shot it. And missed. And blew off their own toe.
@inthehands Microsoft didn't just screw the pooch, they flew to Vegas with it and got married in a wedding chapel, officiated by an Elvis impersonator.
I mean, yes, all this from @Rycaut:
Who wants this? Who asked for it?? How on earth did this ever see the light of day?!
Is there any plausible explanation for this other than “Microsoft no longer customers, it only serves investors — and the investors are idiots?” What am I missing?
@inthehands @Rycaut But yeah, there's another plausible explanation. All of these images may be stored locally but that doesn't mean they won't also be running services that scrape the images, catalog the relevant information, and send it straight to MS so they can immediately sell it on to the advertisers.
Because we can't fucking escape ads, now can we?
If this isn't the clearest indicator that these fucks need to be brought to heel I don't know what is.
@inthehands Funny you should say that, because the first I thought I had was that if it’s combined with voice commands, there are going to be a lot of people say “show me that porn I watched” near other people’s computers…
Yeah. And that’s honestly one of the most benign of the threat scenarios I can imagine.
"So I keep hearing about Tesla recall and Boeing recall. We're behind the curve here, we need Windows Recall."
"But ..."
"But but but! Whatever it is they've got, we need it! Windows Recall, give us a Windows Recall, er, stat!"
And yet somehow is also The Fonz on water skis
I have been hearing about this type of service being in the works for years. The “productivity pundits” have been discussing it quite a bit on their podcasts, so yeah... someone was thinking to basically record everything into a massive “browser history” equivalent for your life.
They also mentioned wearing body cams to take photos with a similar frequency, so maybe that Humane AI pin will get a second life as your personal surveillance cam :)
Aha, that is useful context!
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