@NEETzsche I just figure we are all over prepped extremists that garden. I know that's partially what I'm busy with and why I've been on very little over the past few days.
@NEETzsche The problem I see is that metaposting is actually poison. And this network does it a lot.
Nobody actually has a real hobby outside of talking about fedi drama or something that is outside the realm of something that you could easily do on the computer.
Go get a multimeter and go measure some electricity and then post your results about how you figured out how resistors work or something. go for a ride on your bicycle and go into the forest and take pictures of nature. Go get your pilot's license and go take pictures of the sky and clouds. Do literally anything, because that's what people on social networks like Facebook and Instagram or TikTok are actually doing. Those platforms despite being really cringe sometimes produce good OC or something that's actually interesting. Like I don't even see people play video games here. This is like the only social network where everyone exclusively talks about how much of a fucking loser they are or how much of a loser someone else is, or making variations of the seven same fediverse inside jokes because it was funny the first 200 times. I feel like nobody here actually has anything going on.
Probably an unpopular opinion, and definitely out of character for me but dude I've introspected a lot about this shit for the past four some years of what I've seem and I definitely can see patterns in people's posting.
@splitshockvirus I know exactly what you mean and I think part of the issue is lack of engagement. The only things on here that people really respond to are the small handful of things I listed. If you post shit that's not in that tiny wheelhouse you're posting into the void. I've been chided for bringing this up but the social part of social media is that you interact with other people, and if your actually interesting post gets ignored because it's not a spurious accusation of pedophilia and you didn't say nigger, then guess what everybody else will post
Well idk about engagement. I typically post too fast to really respond to everything and I don't really care about upcummies anymore I stopped caring after I left Facebook like 6 years ago. I rather talk about guns or mechanic things but nobody does that on here. The few people that do are dwarfed by the exponential number of laincels who think they are cyberpunk because they use IRC or installed a graphics card.
The Nirvana of here is when you just post shit that you are interested in, and one or two people who are also interested in that thing that you are personally doing follow you. You want mass appeal? Go on Xitter and just rip some memes from some users and post them here it works like clockwork. Which is why I don't care about interactions that much. That's probably not exactly what you meant about interactions or social.
But the main point I'm trying to make is I don't really give a shit, and that's how you win. Just stop caring and somehow it works. Shit's not that serious.
@splitshockvirus@brimshae@NEETzsche That is the way. If you post things because you expect likes or other feedback in return — you are already doing it wrong. You should post about things you enjoy talking about, add relevant tags to make it discoverable so someone interested can find it even in months, but that's it. What's the point of Fedi — being Twitter hosted on thousands of units of shitty hardware? No, it's not! And if you look at what people post there, it's also the same shit over and over again, it's a bit different, but does it matter? Fedi isn't supposed to be "engaging" (read "addictive"), it's not supposed to have you hooked 24/7, it is supposed to let you have life and hobbies that you can then tell about. If you want to post about whatever and receive thousands of reactions — Fedi isn't the right tool for the job, but it does not mean that it's broken.
Just got a minisplit installed. I think they fucked up the subpanel because the neutral bar was sparking, and now my living room circuit can't even stay on. I'm thinking about taking a flathead screwdriver to it because every electrican I call keeps ghosting me when I tell them "Hey there's sparks coming from my panel I think my house is gonna burn down"
I can't even do my damn laundry or turn on the lights it awful. Yet videos.danksquad.org still stays online :mikoto_thumbsup:
@not_benis@splitshockvirus yeah. I feel that. But someone came in this thread and did the bit, telling me that if you expect other people to actually look at your posts you're doing social media wrong.
@NEETzsche@splitshockvirus this is half of the problem. The other half of the problem is when people don't elaborate when asked, expecting everone else to be exactly as apt as them at their hobbies, not more and not less. I'd name names but that'd be rude.
@mar77i@splitshockvirus lol metaposting to the exclusion of everything else does get tired after a point, and I legitimately do see the appropriate amount of it far exceeded on fedi. Yes I'm aware my op is metaposting though.
@mar77i@splitshockvirus I mean you can cope about this all you like but the "social" part of "social media" entails other people. "Social media" that doesn't meaningfully involve interacting with other people is not "social" media anymore. So yes, if people consistently can't find people to talk about their interests on a "social" media platform, and those interests have more than a few dozen people into them globally, the issue is the platform, not them.
@NEETzsche@Forestofenchantment People on light fedi are sheep and more likely to post about every minute aspect of their real lives and the platform is just a means to that end. They are not here because they can't be on twitter, they are here because musk bad. Otherwise they still mostly post about all that except the smut is somehow less titillating and the tech talk is reddit soypogging and soydev quips about high level abstractions.
if I was an optimist, I guess there is a modicum of improvement in that you've spelled argument argument and not arguement
but I'm not, this thread is basically meta-complaint about your Xitter-tier (you) harvesting dopamine addiction.
next time you decide that the world needs to read your "not an arguement" for the gorillionth time, just stop, instead go to your timeline and post someone else's stolen OC.
@pk33 I'm not a fan of light fedi and I agree. Thing is, if dark fedi is for people who got removed from Xitter and people who refuse to use it on principle, the range of interests it will cover is significantly limited. And yeah, it's an issue
@splitshockvirus@NEETzsche >I feel like nobody here actually has anything going on. Entirely possible, but I'd like to project a bit more optimistically. I suspect anyone looking at my recent posting history here would assume all I do is make obtuse anime references and engage in crass banter with a handful of people, but I like to think I have a little more going on than that that I just don't bring to this platform, and I think I just expect that it's a similar situation for anyone else I see here with less than 100 posts per day.
Some of the stuff feels so mundane to me that I just assume nobody else will care, others I get out of my system in a close-knit IRC group and leave at that. I've never really cared much for putting things up publicly, since I'm too lazy to do proper opsec with it and I don't want to spend too many of my waking hours thinking about that in particular.
As a random example of something that got a few lines on IRC recently, the other day I was contemplating my usual hair hack 'n' slash and thought about how if I had a clipper guard comb larger than 12mm I'd use it, since it always took a few weeks after that to get to a length I liked. I figured there might be some pitfalls beyond the obvious "it's nontrivial to keep hair straight enough for a consistent cut that way the longer it is", and I didn't think just linearly scaling up what I had on hand was an ideal starting point, so I guggled oversized clipper guards and saw that it was indeed not a novel concept and had some reference images to reason about the shape to aim for. Then I took some measurements of my guard combs, shat out a 40mm model in OpenSCAD, printed it, cursed printer for centering it on the print bed against my instructions and adding support and lifting a few minutes in, coerced it with a small strip on the opposite corner for round 2, noticed my arc profile was a bit too aggressive to print supportless in this orientation but the deformation wasn't too severe, attached it to my clippers, tolerances were a bit off so it got stuck (and is still stuck on there, I'll likely have to break it and print a new, looser V2 when I need to use another guard comb on it), but it did exactly the job I hoped it would and now I can trim my hair a bit more regularly to a length I like.
Then I looked into what a #2 cut even means, and it turned out that the numbers are eighths of an inch, making my 12mm guard a #4, and my new 40mm guard something like #12~#13. Another funny number is that average hair growth is close to 1/8inch per week, so a #2 cut would be similar to a #4 cut after a couple of weeks, and a #12 cut would be like my old #4 cut after around 8 weeks. Maybe I'll do actual #12, #13, #14 sizes to better approximate the results of the #2 top & #1 sides, #0 patterns after a few weeks.
@splitshockvirus@NEETzsche The blackpill is that "dark fedi" is majorly filled with obnoxious and annoying people. Maybe just as bad as the "other side" of fedi. Theres a few specific people who make fedi their whole personality and care way too much about meta but im not naming names.
It feels like its an asylum. I cant blame people for getting bored
It's a ghetto. There are quality people who get shunted into these zones for dissidence, but then there are also people who get shunted here for being trash, and they're mixed together. And it's likely at least semi-deliberate. Your punishment for dissidence is your neighbors are now anime coomers who say nigger to feel like they're an oppressed political minority, when in reality, 20 years ago, they'd just be stinking up their bedroom while they play Final Fantasy for 7days straight without bathing.