>Christianity led to wage slavery, usury, slave trade, immigration invasion None of these things existed before Christianity? LOL. LMAO. Most of these always existed and were mitigated to varying degrees by Christian social norms. When Christianity lost sociopolitical power, post enlightenment, society started the exponential spiral to insanity.
These niggers always consistently have no sense of causality. "Christianity directly led to and is solely responsible for xyz thing that only became a problem in the last 100 years!" Well somehow it managed to avoid those problems for the first several centuries, so I can't help but feel like there's some piece of the puzzle
@doctorsex@BowsacNoodle yes but 1800 years in human history is just a blip and we all know (or should) that kikes have multigenerational plans. besides whats it going to change? are you going to become less Christian? am i going to start washing nigger feet? no, my original point was Christian’s shouldn’t be attacking White people for having interest in, studying, or discussing pre-Christian European mythology.
@RangoDingbot@doctorsex That may have been your point, but you phrased it in the way I often see d&c "pagans" use it, even if unintentionally. >Our (FORMERLY) Christian society is shit, so it must be Christianity's fault It's so loaded with fallacies that it's hard to look at it with good faith as an objective statement. I don't know if that was your intention, and I'll let you answer that before I wall text.
>Christian’s shouldn’t be attacking White people for having interest in, studying, or discussing pre-Christian European mythology. Most of us don't. It's the sources that are challenging. For better or worse, there's very little preserved outside of what Christian scholars/monks wrote down. You're free to think it's a bad thing that those cultural traditions were destroyed, but we got rid of a lot of shit in the process (no more human sacrifice).
@doctorsex@BowsacNoodle you think im gonna sit here on my phone giving my thoughts of what happened over 2000 years? do i really need to explain? its like hitting a pothole you saw from a ways a way and wonder why your tires flat and wheels bent. you know the pothole caused it but you’re asking for the details of why moving so fast and hitting a sharp edge destroyed the tire. i dont have all day to tap my screen lol
I mean, yeah? There's a pretty significant gap there. Usually when you hit some shit with your car the damage is immediate and pretty readily apparent, and not something that takes 1800 years to develop noticeable problems
>the guy from 1800 years ago would be doing different things than the present day guy Again, show the causality. You've got point A, and you've got point Z, but you're missing B-Y and still haven't explained how Christianity is the reason for B-Y.
@doctorsex@BowsacNoodle yes true but was it not Christian Kings bringing the jews into their courts for money? i understand the Christians got sick of their shit and kicked them out, but then they let them back in. was it not a Christian who brought Britain it’s first jews (William the Conqueror)?
You kind of shoot yourself in the foot if you leave the operative part of the sentence in. Or are you going to try and tell me that it's entirely the fault of christians that medieval monarchs fell victim to novel financial schemes specifically engineered to be as rapacious and underhanded as possible?
And "so chummy with jews"? The fuck do you think the "109" number comes from? Pogroms? It sure as hell wasn't some roving medieval band of proto-nietzschean agnostics
@doctorsex@BowsacNoodle Sorry bud but Europeans have been Christianized for almost 2,000 years. Am I supposed to blame the Buddhists for being so chummy with jews that destroyed Europe and her colonies?
>yes but 1800 years in human history is just a blip No, not really. I can't think of a single other thing in recorded history that required the better part of 2 millenia of buildup in order to see even the slightest payoff. >kikes have multigenerational plans Sure, and there's usually some kind of firsthand corroboration and not question-begging just so stories. If you've got some kind of proof of a strictly oral tradition entirely hidden from outsiders surviving for more than a few generations, you need to get a hold of some anthropologists because that would be an absolutely revolutionary breakthrough in the field. >no, my original point was Christian’s shouldn’t be attacking White people for having interest in, studying, or discussing pre-Christian European mythology. Due to the nature of how annoying it is to navigate back through multi-quote-post hellthreads, I'm going to be nice and probably give you far more credit than I would get from you and give you the benefit of the doubt here. I'm sure earlier on in the thread, that probably was your angle. However, for the previously stated reason (and the additional reason that after seeing so many religious hellthreads, I cannot possibly imagine this one to finally have new things I truly have never encountered before), I have not gone back through and pored over every post. I just see the one bowsac quoted, which contains the text in picrel. Now, I'm sure earlier in the thread it was just "I don't think there's anything wrong if some White guy wants to learn about Thor/Zeus/etc." But here, it's "christianity is responsible for White genocide" (ironically, something that prima facie is demonstrably false- the White birthrate in North America is nearly singlehandedly being carried by White Evangelical Conservatives, but I digress) which, to me at least, seems like quite a far cry from the original idea; a complete non-sequiter, even.
Also I've just got to be honest here with this one- it really chaps my ass if I'm being frank. If you can just bear with me here, I've got this itch and I just really have to scratch it.
You talk here in this post about European colonies. Just about all of which would have been established well after this Christianization of Europe. It's real hard not to get the impression here that this isn't just an emotional or resentment driven outlook when the apparent rationale seems to be: >european decline coinciding with a widespread belief in Christianity? Must be because of Christianity >european rise coinciding with a widespread belief in Christianity? We'll just ignore that It's just bizarre
@RangoDingbot@doctorsex@BowsacNoodle you’re lack of reading comprehension is stupendous >took them 2000 years to succeed once >”Yea but they’re winning now”
@doctorsex@BowsacNoodle i never said Europeans didn’t do amazing things after conversion, you’re assuming that is my viewpoint. Europeans have always done great things regardless of religion. Look at Greece and Rome. Look at Norse exploration. but why didn’t Christians squash out freemasons and other shabbos institutions? why has Christianity and Christendom been conquered by jews? Are we just being tested by God while we’re slowly genocided?
@RangoDingbot@doctorsex@BowsacNoodle it took them 2000 years to do it. >why didn’t Christianity squash X group The Catholic Church was really great squashing groups until the Protestant reformation broke our hold on orthodoxy.
@doctorsex@BowsacNoodle@MeBigbrain Probably kind of like how they’re destroying our nations and culture now. though they’re slowly boiling us. I see European civilization as the pinnacle, and seeing it fall apart does make me want to fedpost lol.
Maybe I'm hopelessly naïve but I just don't think it's even conceivable that this thing doesn't collapse under it's own weight. Every day the enemy has to work every so slightly harder all while being spread ever more thin to maintain an increasingly more heavy and bloated golem. Could be 50 years, could be 100. But it is not sustainable.
There was a lot going on at the time. Imagine this guy shows up- basically the arch-heretic for your religion, he tells you the temple, which your religion is structured around, is going bye-bye because you're a faggot. You laugh it off because he's evil; "his blood will be on our hands and the hands of our children, etc." The romans are an oppressive occupying force, but no big deal- you guys have dealt with this before, and g-d always steps in and frees you via divine interventionas long as you pinkie-promise to do better for real this time. So you decide, eventually, you've had enough. You're sick of the Romans, you figure, what the hell, g-d's on our side. You pick the fight, and you get your ass handed to you. Not only that the temple was completely razed, just like mr. Arch heretic said. Not only did g-d not give you a hand in this one, he completely abandoned you. You *were* "g-d's chosen", and he fucking hates you now.
Not at all saying they deserve sympathy, not even close. But just imagine what that would have to feel like.
@doctorsex@BowsacNoodle@MeBigbrain true, but jews certainly have blood lust for Europeans in general. jacob vs esau and all that shit. they make themselves readily available in European societies to fuck us over. maybe due to lack of written history, but we dont see this happening before the fall of Rome. At least that i can recall off the top of my head
I genuinely believe something about the destruction of the temple flipped some kind of collective switch in them as a people. Consider that prior to the temple: >jewish rebellions were bloody and violent, relied on brute force, were quite frequent >various different factions that all had their own unique interests, most of which were completely at odds and violently opposed to eachother (see pharrisees, the ones who would work as tax collectors, the qumran community, etc.) >no particularly strong history of subversion After the temple got sacked: >subversion becomes one of, if not *the* main tool in the arsenal; violent rebellions die down >much more unified, any differences are covered up in the face of outsiders >still insular, but much more neurotic and paranoid about it
Maybe it is just a lack of recorded history as you suggest, who knows. But it does strike me as odd how much of these *apparent* changes happen around that specific event
The issue is then, "do these backdoors exist *only because* of Christianity", which I would say not exactly. Considering the well documented jewish tendencies towards deceit and subversion they would just try some other wege (see: india, saudi arabia, japan examples from earlier. There's probably tons of other examples of this, especially throughout history; those are just contemporary ones that jumped to mind first)
@doctorsex@BowsacNoodle@RangoDingbot >"antisemites" who think jews are brilliant masterminds capable of shaping all White society for 2000 years Lmao these are the kinds of mental backflips you need to pull off to square atheism with antisemitism
@Victor_Emmanuel@doctorsex@BowsacNoodle Only time will tell i guess. But soon enough there will be less and less Europeans and the remaining brown Christians wont have the IQ to fix things. My point is, if Christianity isnt fixed very soon, then I don’t see good things happening to it. But im just blackpilled on that atm
@Victor_Emmanuel@doctorsex@BowsacNoodle sorry im on my phone at work looking here during some free time. are they not winning now? when are Christians going to actually fight back? seems like everyone is just complacent in letting their religion be destroyed (aside from arguing on the internet).
@RangoDingbot@doctorsex@BowsacNoodle When the only religious belief you're willing to express is "Christianity bad," don't be mad when you get a bunch of fedoras in response. Christians are happy to lead with Bible verses and history, we wear our beliefs on our sleeves, but we can't drag what anti-Christians believe out of them. :akkoShrug:
@doctorsex@BowsacNoodle@MeBigbrain Gotta say, its been nice to be able to discuss these things with a level headed person for once. Most of the time if i ask a question some might find uncomfortable, i get nothing but spergs in my notifications lol