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Israel kills seven World Central Kitchen food aid workers in Gaza with 'targeted' airstrike...
An Israeli drone repeatedly hit the aid convoy, even as the survivors attempted to transport the wounded...
US-based aid group World Central Kitchen confirms seven staff members were killed in attack by the Israeli military...
PM Netanyahu admits Israeli airstrikes 'unintentionally' killed Gaza aid workers...World Central Kitchen halts Gaza operations following ‘unforgivable’ Israeli bombing...
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I’m pagan. I don’t call it that, but everyone else does.
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@lovelymiss @BattleDwarfGimli @ColonReport @HonkHonkBoom @LudditeMan I seen what @n3f_X did thar.
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Everyone knows I’m not Christian, I never have been, but the one thing that has made me look at Christianity with new eyes is the jew.
If the biblical talk of demons are real, it’s found in the jew.
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@lovelymiss @BattleDwarfGimli @ColonReport @HonkHonkBoom @LudditeMan Wiccan?
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@BattleDwarfGimli @lovelymiss @ColonReport If you could condense all evil into human form, it would be jewish.
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@LudditeMan @BattleDwarfGimli @lovelymiss @ColonReport What aspect of demon myth is not a dead ringer for the jew? I mean, other than 'deals with the devil' being bound by agreements and contracts that limit their evil... The only way the jew differs from a demon is that it regularly behaves worse than demons are said to..
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They draw this attention to themselves. They invite genocide. If I could mash a button and gas every kike man, woman, and child on Earth, I would. I'd probably do the pajeets too, tbh.
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I'm trying to keep my fun here and my vitriol over there, but jews. jews just won't stop. jews gotta jew.
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Haha. Same.
Ive also been fighting with some jew on tiktok. He follows me around now & is jewy.
I’m honestly trying to work out how I can form a small Reich able to find him & set his house on fire.
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@lovelymiss @ColonReport Every day I find that I cannot hate them enough.
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It made me fed post all morning on gab.
I gotta stop being online when I’m cranky. I don’t have the patience anymore to church up my words or feelings.
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@ColonReport Just when I think I cannot possibly find them anymore despicable, THIS.
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They found it super funny too.