@Cloudy@StoleMyThundersBalls You're too not smart enough to be having these discussions if you're going to google to source articles to debate the holocaust with somebody who has actually taken the time to look into it, instead of just googling authoritative sources, hello
To my point authoritative sources from essentially court historians don't mean shit when the claim by your opponents is that the history itself has been fabricated/altered to fit a political narrative.
Googling and spitting back jewish sources that affirm their narrative just makes you complicit in their lies
sometimes the bad guys win, and then they claim they beat the bad guys, that's reality
@Cloudy@StoleMyThundersBalls nigger I literally saw you say something retarded so I commented on it, instead of rebutting you fucking google holocaust handbooks or whatever and attempt to argue with nazis about the fucking holocaust
look bud, I don't know shit about you but you're behaving maliciously
@MoralPanic@StoleMyThundersBalls I literally googled an article about the Holocaust after your buddy claim it's fake. You're the one behaving maliciously when you're crying that someone acknowledges reality.
@Cloudy@StoleMyThundersBalls I'm not joining into this debate because the holohaox is on its face ridiculous and nit picking over details is the LIAR'S only defeense
I'd just like to address the notion that large groups of people can't engage in a conspiracy? What is literally any organized groups of humans and what do they do? Aren't fucking nations founded over myths, you absolute imbecile?
In fact I would praise the Nazis if they did have an actual extermination plan because TODAY with OUR VERY OWN EYES see what jews are capable of doing, including an ongoing genocide
@StoleMyThundersBalls Yes let's ignore the photos and the testimonies and the historical records. Because those totally aren't real. Totally.
You do indeed blame all of your problems on Jews. I don't care about World War 2, you cry about World War 2. You were the first one to bring it up and constantly posted memes about it, and have your username about it.
Your Grandfathers are not more reliable all historians worth their salt disagreeing with them.
@Cloudy@Jim "Losing a war means you're wrong! Only people who are righteous win wars! That's why America has never lost a war!" ...Not because they are opportunists controlled by Jews!
You don't think, its strange that USA has never lost a war? Phew. Thank god for that.
Its a good thing the bad guys lost or we'd be speaking German! Your trolling is reaching "hurr dee hurr hurr," levels.
@StoleMyThundersBalls "MUH JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS" is not an argument. You are a child who thinks that anything wrong with his life is from Jews.
America never loses wars because of strategic placement and natural resources. There's no way any other power with the means to invade a country can do so with America, so we can't ever lose. Nobody's ever tried to actually make America lose a war either, not even Nazi Germany. They only try to ride out the tide until the US gives up.
The Allies of WW2 wouldn't like any of the modern shit you're complaining about either. So stop hating them.
@Cloudy Yah the "Everything is the Joooos!" argument doesn't make sense when we're talking about the holocaust bud. Unless the "JOOOZ" holocaust-ed themselves right? Or maybe... It was completely made up, and there's no historical evidence of it happening.
I honestly don't think most things wrong with my life is the Jews. Maybe that's something someone said to YOU, and YOU felt like, "Oh shit I'm being called out on my beliefs." And maybe you were called a child because you couldn't defend your position to someone who you care about. Like a parent? One who watches a lot of CNN or Foxnews. Because they do that shit all the time. I don't know.
Why should you be so invested in a war that happened nearly 100 years ago? And if you are going to be invested in who won and who lost, why not do the research. Both of my Grandfathers fought in WW2. What teachers tell you in elementary all the way to high-school is fake.
@StoleMyThundersBalls@Jim You remind me of the meme where people like you say firebombing a Walmart is better than voting and the proceed to not firebomb a Walmart.
@Cloudy@Jim Let's just gloss over the question I asked you. I'll answer and respond to your trolling. Voting? All elections have been rigged since the Roman empire.
@Cloudy@Jim Just explain to me why racism is "the worst thing," and I'll stop.
Is it worse then rape? Or murder? Or arson? Is it worse then invading hordes of people who want to take your ancestral homelands? No? So you're just being hyperbolic to make a point. A stupid point. One that wont help since that's the thing that's already destroying the West en mass.
@StoleMyThundersBalls@Jim Do you think that you supporting ethnonationalism means that you can't be okay with some people in the nation being part of a non-dominant ethnicity?
Why do you guys always say the worst things imaginable and think you'll actually be able to change anything?
@Cloudy@Jim I don't like Trump, Brother Nathaniel, or Fuentez at all. BN makes some good points in his videos sometimes. But I don't believe in civic or Christian nationalism. I don't need people to pretend to be conservative to my face, only to turn around and conserve niggers and jews.
A modern, sloppy translation would be "jew," but a quick way to get your ass beaten in Roman Palestine would be to call a Galilean Abrahmic or a Syrio-Phoenciean Abrahimic a jew.
Paul wasnt a "jooo". He was a Judean. You should actually realy the NT.
>They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.