Get a fucking job
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Wyliesau ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Feb-2024 05:37:03 JST Wyliesau -
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?? Humpleupagus ?? ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Feb-2024 05:36:55 JST ?? Humpleupagus ?? Take my advice, don't. You're just going to dream that you missed finals for the next 20 years. 😒 -
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Poast Oak ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Feb-2024 05:36:56 JST Poast Oak @Wyliesau @Goalkeeper @tyler @dictatordave Gen X is a boomer with an attitude problem -
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Wyliesau ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Feb-2024 05:36:56 JST Wyliesau @poastoak @Goalkeeper @tyler @dictatordave
Did you even finished school yet ?
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Wyliesau ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Feb-2024 05:36:57 JST Wyliesau @poastoak @Goalkeeper @tyler @dictatordave
Thanks for the flowers but i‘m gen X
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Goalkeeper ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Feb-2024 05:36:58 JST Goalkeeper I did retard. I am smack in the middle of God's Country.
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Poast Oak ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Feb-2024 05:36:58 JST Poast Oak @Goalkeeper @Wyliesau @tyler @dictatordave You can't argue with noagenda boomers -
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Wyliesau ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Feb-2024 05:36:59 JST Wyliesau @Goalkeeper @tyler @dictatordave
Move out of Washington State or Comiefornia 😂
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Tyler ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Feb-2024 05:37:00 JST Tyler I think you are quite disconnected with the reality of the current economy.
Yes, it's possible to make good money if you are exceptional. That's always been the case: being exceptional.
Most people are not exceptional. -
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Goalkeeper ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Feb-2024 05:37:00 JST Goalkeeper Here's the thing: I did and I still can't get hired because all the so-called "exceptional" jobs are being outsourced and every one left is being fought over tooth and nail by women and brown people anyway.
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Wyliesau ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Feb-2024 05:37:01 JST Wyliesau Sure, but good jobs still pay good.
Just don’t choose something gender study BS something…something.
Choose a job were you have to use your brain and hands. -
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Tyler ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Feb-2024 05:37:02 JST Tyler I don't understand how people today will just say 'get a job' - Even if you are making 100k (the new 45k), the cost of everything is just too expensive. -
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dictatordave ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Feb-2024 05:37:03 JST dictatordave @Wyliesau i'm looking at half million dollar houses bro, and i'm a normal guy working my balls off
its unfortunate every fucking boomer didn't die from the coof or the shots
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