@Moon@augustus this guy was like the perfect one note backround character. No matter what the main cast is doing he can react with WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :trollface: :cat_laugh:
@Senator_Armstrong@Moon I think I missed out as a millennial cause I never saw the films divorced from the big cultural baggage and legacy of them and so they felt a little old and disappointing to me. I was busy watching the prequels in the theatre and being amazed by cgi yoda doing a million backflips, which now I look back, was cringe
@Moon@augustus not a lot of movies nail that world building ambience thing right. Think of all the money spent on something like avatar just for it to not be a meme compared to lord of the rings
@augustus@Senator_Armstrong I don't understand people that like the prequels ("better than the originals" or at all, really) they are super underwhelming, slow, bloated and not fun except for a couple parts.
@augustus@Moon I can't put my finger on what separates a mid movie from good meme material but there is some kind of quality difference for sure. Need one of those youtube wisecrack breakdowns or something for this
@augustus@Senator_Armstrong the star wars movies and their director perfectly demonstrate what happens to your creativity when you are freed from constraints.
@Moon@Senator_Armstrong yeah, AA on youtube champions the prequels for some reason, I think he just enjoys next level contrarianism cause he has his Palpatine Great Man theory. they're desolate and and I agree with the RLM reviews
@augustus@Senator_Armstrong@Moon Ep III was good and people should appreciate it without feeling shame. Eps I and II were boring and it's hard to defend them on their own merits, but they didn't ruin the series like Disney Star Wars did, and they created a new wave of Star Wars video games and tv shows that were pretty good.
Reminder that the prequel haters almost killed Jar Jar Binks. I can't help but imagine him standing on the parapet of the Brooklyn Bridge and saying "Mesa will show you, you will miss Jar Jar Binks"
@deadheat@Senator_Armstrong@augustus 3 was barely acceptable as a star wars movie, the best you'll get out of me is that it felt like a star wars movie when I watched it but I still remember almost nothing from it.
I think the problem was they put in overtime to make every good thing in the originals meaningless. Emperor? Not gone. Rebel victory? Squandered. Han in love? Sorry, no, kid’s a fuckup and Leila hates everything that made Han great. The force? Everything used before was literally the most underpowered thing ever and it’s a wonder it worked at all.
I ran a Star Wars tabletop RPG for most of the 90s. You tell a story by working within a lush universe, building folklore. Star Wars isn’t meant to be Dragon Ball. It’s meant to be an underdog tale where you might make it, but at what cost. Luke almost dies twice and ends in a decisive loss in Empire because that’s what Star Wars is.
@augustus if there's a minor character from the original Star Wars movies, there's probably a trilogy of novels and a comic book series about them. and, if written after 2012, that character will now be a homosexual.
@Moon@leyonhjelm@Senator_Armstrong@augustus@deadheat Now that Disney has taken over, I think that I've reached that point of apathy except when I find their decisions to be hilarious. I'm enjoying the ride to see Disney's downfall and see how much money they can waste or see what becomes of the civil war behind the scenes. They drove out their talent and it shows.
I think I'm also at this point where I only recognise the first 6 films and that is all Star Wars is to me. The rest of it is fanfiction. If the original creator of Star Wars wasn't involved then it is hard for me to count it as canon. Better to look at it that way. Hopefully people will see it that way for my own work too. I think there is also such a thing as having too much content and we have reached that point. They have exhausted the universe and much of it is crap.
I don't have a problem with borrowing ideas and gaining inspiration from other things as this is how it often goes. It's hard to have an original idea when most ideas have been imagined or have happened. The important part is in how you blend various ideas together. He still managed to create a fun universe for a lot of people that grew up with it with a simple premise, underdog story and some twists.
Tarantino does the same thing and I don't doubt either man's ability to produce engaging movies. I just think there are degrees of originality where I'd put Herbert and Burroughs at the highly creative end and Lucas at the "gimme good art & SFX departments while I skillfully cobble something together" end. And JJ Abrams doesn't even register on the scale. Side note: Kenny Baker is the single nicest man I ever met in my life.
The sequels were just a recycled version of the original six movies, which themselves were recycled from Dune, John Carter of Mars, Flash Gordon, etc. Lucas hasn't had an original idea in his whole life.