Seen this shared on social media. Heard about it while they were spit balling it, and it didn’t get any better. American slave class needs to put a stop to this.
We can’t take care of our vets, but we’ll run $80K salaries and hotels for child trafficking and drug mule entrepreneurs. Shows were the priorities are of the administrative state.
@Moon@thendrix > In a 1948 telegram to President Harry Truman, the League of United Latin-American Citizens blamed the displacement on a preponderance of illegal workers, stating that it "signifies the lowering of wage standards almost to a peonage level and ... force[s] thousands of native born and naturalized Americans to uproot their families, suspend the education of their children and migrate to other states in search of a living wage."
Basically the same complaint they had about the Chinese and then the African Americans post Reconstruction lol
the free market is bad when it is not in my favor 😭
@Moon > By 1949 Mexico had become desperate about its depleted labor pool, and declared a national emergency. Its own enforcement efforts were strengthened, and the Mexican military announced in July, 1949, that all illegal emigration had stopped.
lol good one Mexico
Looks like this was almost completely the fault of the Bracero program which caused the stampede of poor rural Mexicans to cross the border looking for work. We spread the rumors of riches and didn't plan for the consequences it seems. And we didn't even plan on following our own promises to pay them in full for going back to Mexico
> One of the stipulations of the original bracero agreement was that ten percent of the bracero’s pay would be held in trust and returned to him on repatriation to Mexico. Many braceros who participated in the early years of the program never received payment from that fund and have been unsuccessful in subsequent years to obtain it through legal means. However, a 2008 class action settlement, pending final court approval in February, 2009, will provide a one-time reimbursement of thirty-eight thousand pesos to every bracero (or surviving spouse or child) who can prove he worked in the Bracero Program between January 1, 1942 and December 31, 1946.
@feld@thendrix Chinese were imported by American bosses to destroy worker bargaining power and benefits because workers in the west coast had successfully fought for strong worker protections. The way we're taught about this in school is corporate propaganda masquerading as civil rights.
@feld > We spread the rumors of riches and didn't plan for the consequences it seems. And we didn't even plan on following our own promises to pay them in full for going back to Mexico
if "we" being rich people wanting cheaper labor, it all makes sense again.
@Moon the government figured it would be easier to import Mexicans than find the labor elsewhere, so it's definitely not just a problem foisted upon us by fat cat businessmen
@feld For a few years I have been trying to understand the movement of labor Westward in the United States because every mainstream source seems to be deliberate misinformation to present a specific narrative about America.
@feld big businesses want Mexicans for cheap labor. Leftists want Mexicans to dilute the White population and to get votes. And so having borders that mattered became a "far right" position
@feld@NEETzsche republicans have said this since the 1980s that mexicans are natural born conservatives because they are catholic and hard workers. but the numbers prove this wrong again and again. the only thing that reverses this is assimilation, which takes many generations. I knew assimilated Mexican-American families in Arizona and many of them were anti-immigration lol.
@Moon I wasn't really taught anything about this in school, so they skipped it for my generation I guess? Everything I know has been my own research.
> because workers in the west coast had successfully fought for strong worker protections
What's the timeline you're talking about here? What labor unions? I can't find anything on the West having strong worker protections, etc. The 1877 railroad strike was in the East not the West from what I can find. The first big union for railroad workers was American Railway Union in 1893. Before then there wasn't really a railroad union.
@feld the problem here is that they were killing chinese people after they got here when they should have been killing owners before they imported chinese. I absolutely am not endorsing criminal violence against immigrants.
@feld this is another example of racial animosity imported as a direct result of the actions of a few rich people wanting to be richer. the very best way to avoid problems is to not create the scenario that led to them in the first place.
@ChristiJunior As far as brown people are concerned, Mexicans integrate into American life surprisingly well. One thing leftists actively seethe about is that your average economic refugee is here for gibs and jobs more than they are here for ideology and race war.
Don't get me wrong, mestizos aren't White people in terms of moral restraint or intelligence and they're more racialized than White people, but they're also smarter than blacks and less racialized than blacks or jews. They often regard marrying White as marrying up, even within their own countries, because they perceive Whites as being capable, having their shit together, and being pleasant to live with/be around. They don't like blacks for the inverse reason; that is, they regard blacks as incompetent, having their lives in shambles, and being a hell to live with.
For this reason you end up seeing children of mestizos becoming Americans, speaking English, and regarding themselves as Americans in adulthood. A surprising number of border militia types in America are themselves anchor babies who just don't want cartel projection into their home towns. You see a lot of Hispanic Mormons in this region of the country because they take us at face value when we tell them we're The Church and promise them cans of beans and their children a free education if they scrub the chapel toilets and put the bong down.
@NEETzsche@feld@Moon The American fat cat capitalists don't even care about the majority of the Invaders being socialists. Big "The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them" Moment.
> While the transcontinental Railroad enjoyed wide support—from President Abraham Lincoln, Congress and business leaders and investors—finding enough workers among America’s white laboring class to undertake the grueling and hazardous work proved challenging. Many Irish immigrants and other white laborers who moved west chose instead to pursue farming or mining.
I keep finding references that they utilized the Chinese because whites wouldn't do the work and the Irish mostly stayed in the east, but nothing specific about the Chinese labor being quite so directly *imported* by the employers. If you have any info on that please send it my way
@NEETzsche@feld@ChristiJunior I have nothing but good things to say about Mexicans as individuals. We are just put at odds with each other because of a few people that are privatizing profit and socializing the externalities.
@Moon I've got a very mixed view of Mexicans as individuals. Some are great and some are terrible. Don't let color get to you, because it'll make it impossible to sort the good from the bad, which is something we're going to have to do now that tons are coming in.
@feld I'll see if I can find it, basically what happened was that Chinese weren't even interested in immigrating until there was a famine, they didn't have the money to make the cross-ocean journey themselves it was financed by American capitalists. This is not common knowledge.
@NEETzsche@feld@ChristiJunior When I evaluate individuals I don't factor race into it, just an observation that I've never perceived any Mexicans I have met as being categorically less intelligent or moral.
I didn't say not see color. I said don't let it get to you. People in America are going to be dealing with a lot of Mexicans soon, and the truth is they're a mixed bag. If you refuse to sort the good from the bad in this context and assume all are juts innocent economic refugees who want a job (leftards) or assume all are just cartellos who want to rape your wife (Trumptards) you're fucked. I live in a region of the planet where my kids are likely going to need to learn both English and Spanish to make it and if I ever let them play outside they're going to be dealing with kids named things like Paco and Maria on the regular. If I could close the Mexican-American border and kick them all out I would, but I can't, so I have to deal with that for what it is.
And frankly, teaching my kids to jump up and down and scream about spics/illegals is probably going to fuck their lives up. Instead, I'm going to have to train them to get vicious when they're treated poorly for being White but otherwise be accepting of people from whereverthefuckistan insofar as they don't do this to them.
@NEETzsche@feld@Moon >Don't let color get to you, because it'll make it impossible to sort the good from the bad, which is something we're going to have to do now that tons are coming in.
Or, you wake up and realize that only White people have ever seriously attempted to "not see color", with disastrous consequences, and instead start by stopping tons of Invaders from coming in, and later find ways to mass deport those who have come, and also begin stripping nonwhite immigrants of citizenship to avert demographic disaster.
Honestly we're seeing a lot of backlash to the anti-White, anti-Christian, pro-gay shit. I legitimately don't think it's going to last given how hard they're pushing it now.
@NEETzsche@feld@Moon They're definitely preferable to blacks, Muslims, Jews etc, but when they arrive in such obscene numbers that we've seen over the decades, they will eventually render the US unrecognizable, not to mention that "integrating" into modern American society will generally make Latinos worse people (less Christian, more gay, more anti-White etc).
@NEETzsche@feld@Moon That's my default, I'm all about reciprocity in terms of interacting with others, but in terms of politics and policies White people DESPERATELY need to be more racially aware and yes, racist, or they'll be eaten alive. White people don't need to be told to see color less, they need to be told to become more aware of it. Hell, even most Trump-supporters still kiss the feet of niggers and (especially) Jews.
@NEETzsche@feld@ChristiJunior I don't think that USA has to accept in any way that we just have to absorb millions of new people. It's not in our interest to do so and our politicians aren't even executing it legally because they know if they did it out in the open enough people would oppose it that they couldn't do it.
I don't kiss nigger/jew ass at all. I regard both of these racial categories as more or less irreconcilable enemies, Amalek basically. I regard other racial categories like Asians or Hispanics as peoples who you can do business with and yes, intermarry, but shouldn't be blind to the reality that they are an Other.
I don't think we should have to accept it, because it's manifestly unjust and immoral, but I think that I do because I personally lack the power to change it. I can only raise the question: "What now?" and play the hand that life dealt me.
@NEETzsche@ChristiJunior@feld I don't want to speak for Mexicans but almost everybody would be happier to stay in their homes and not do a dangerous journey to another country for uncertain benefits. This is happening, primarily, because of American politicians deliberately making things worse for both Americans and Mexicans, and pitting us against each other.
@NEETzsche@feld@ChristiJunior I am not going to lift a finger to meaningfully change the path we're on because meaningful == political violence at this point.
Whites are multiple orders of magnitude more competent than blacks and maybe an order of magnitude more competent than Hispanics/Asians, and even as tiny minorities we end up projecting a lot of power by dint of everybody being reliant on us. See South Africa as an example. Even with the farm murders and the systematic effort to rob Whites of their farmland, they can't really follow through too much because it would decimate their population from famine and become Zimbabwe 2.0.
Basically I think we'll persist even as a tiny minority because rival races can't get their shit together.
Whites today are a fallen people. I hate to say it, but the average White person today doesn't deserve political violence being wrought on their behalf. That's the bad news. The good news is that these go in cycles. You want to see some hardcore motha fuckas like pic related again? Take Whitey's comfort away for a generation. You'll see some action.
That's when political violence becomes appropriate.
@Moon@feld@NEETzsche More like Mexican politicians and innate traits of the Mexican people (at least the darker ones) resulting in the big, Northern neighbor being far, FAR wealthier.
Of course, if American politicians weren't anti-White traitors this wouldn't even be an issue, because the borders would be closed, illegals and those enabling them would be viciously persecuted, and citizenship would be forever barred (including for anchor babies). That's how you make up for the economic disparities that make illegal immigration an attractive option.
With modern weaponry, outright old men can fuck a lot of shit up, and for the time being, it's perfectly legal to buy anti-materiel rifle if you fill out a little paperwork. Don't commit violence unless you really have to, but make damn sure you are capable of creating a massacre that will stay in the news for a decade if you do really have to. Get ready now.
@NEETzsche@feld@ChristiJunior I am not enthusiastic about political violence and I absolutely oppose it when it comes to ordinary people, I just don't care if politicians have to worry about it.
Get enthusiastic about both creation and destruction: "I have said, Ye are gods; And all of you are children of the most High." You know what gods do? They breathe life into the sun and the moon and into the most barren, bloodiest womb, and then in the same breath load the glocks and remind these faggots that the gods have come.
@ArdainianRight@Moon@NEETzsche@feld Remember, the White South managed to overcome Reconstruction, and they didn't achieve it by being "Principled Conservatives" and obsessing about Muh Moral High Ground.
@ChristiJunior@NEETzsche@Moon@feld As America further disintegrates into a shithole, all that matters is who's got your back. Whites need to be willing to back each other up. If a bunch of blacks gang up on some random white kid and the authorities let them off with a slap on the wrist, there is in fact a time-honored solution to the problem to make it stop.
The real power move is to take both the moral high ground and total license to overcome Amalek in the same sentence. I'm a tubby computer nerd, but I'm fixing the tubby part specifically so I can produce more children and I can end overreliance on firearms or other weapons to kick the shit out of ingrates.
Don't forget to remind these people that they could have just let you grill.
> If a bunch of blacks gang up on some random white kid and the authorities let them off with a slap on the wrist, there is in fact a time-honored solution to the problem to make it stop.
where is this happening? this feels entirely fabricated