@passenger @magitweeter @violetmadder @RD4Anarchy @HeavenlyPossum @AdrianRiskin @whatzaname @ciggysmokebringer @gnutelephony @ThatWeltschmerz @FrenchPanda @glitzersachen
I'm with Passenger here - the bloke's not a fascist.
He's (likely) been brought up all his life to believe that only 2 possible economic systems can exist -
1) Capitalism (which is equated with "free markets and free choice)
2) Communism (which is equated with USSR/North Korea style authoritarianism)
Whilst "we" know that that's not true, if your entire education is telling you one thing, it's difficult to break out of that, and let's be fair, we've probably not done a great job here (I very much include myself in this) as we feel we're banging our heads against a brick wall (his hostility to new ideas hasn't helped either).
But I'm not going to call him a fascist - he's simply a fairly standard fella - probably doing "okay" under capitalism, espousing views produced by standard education, and has never had to question them.