If for whatever reason you never wish to interact with #Threads, you can personally block it for your account. This hides all posts and profiles from Threads, prevents anyone from Threads from following you, and stops your posts from being delivered to or fetched by Threads. Simply click the "Block domain threads.net" option on any Threads profile or post you see in Mastodon.
@darnell@Gargron On that note, I'm really unhappy that the meeting certain folks had with Facebook over the summer wasn't used to give them an ultimatum: ban these types of hate accounts or all parties present pledge not to federate.
@darnell@Gargron What will you be doing about extreme explicit hate content on the platform, like LibsOfTiktok, Gays Against Groomers, etc.? I'm asking because the normal way to deal with an instance that refuses to ban accounts like that seems to be defederation, no?
@Gargron Yeah, I do not plan to block #Threads, as I am extending the same policy toward them that I do other instances (in essence, I am treating them like any other instance).
With Threads & #Flipboard joining the #Fediverse en masse soon, I am excited for what 2024 has in store!
Also, it should make it easier to convince businesses & politicians who use #WordPress to install the #ActivityPub plugin so they can interact with the Fediverse without needing to join another site.
@Gargron Normally I'd be all for expanding the interaction range, but the whole threads "we get to use your shit for whatever we want" bit of their boilerplate is a big nuclear nope.
@Gargron No, I joined Masto to get away from the Bad Place, and made friends here. I don't want to lose them, but in recent weeks I have deserted them to get my Threads off the ground - I was around for the start of Twitter and see it reappearing in the NewPlace, then the NewNewPlace is going to be where Threads and AP meet and that is very much a Place I want to be (hence I'm @4Places elsewhere) 😊
@Gargron the way it should be - users have the choice vs just being censored. There are those who have long-lost friends on Threads that they will still be able to follow if they wish.
@Gargron That's not for "whatever reason" because threads can deliberately steal personal data and spread what they call "their services" even if you don't have any thread account. Threads.net is the worst social network in terms of personal data. Threads is a very dangerous threat. If META sneaks in Fediverse, that's simply because META fears it.