@rlier23 thats probably for online, but i wouldnt be surprised about that if they made the game paid by the hour :awoo_depressed2: and clowns are actually going to eat this up because its gta :akko_weary:
@Silverwolf@GrungeQueef@tyler@MaleGoddess@Wolffkran@leespringfield1903@luithe The brain drain that came from driving away all straight white males means they can no longer design anything with quality. Just look at CD Project Red going from Witcher 3 to Cyberpunk. American developers are even worse because at least Poland doesn't have many Indians or blacks in it yet to shit up the labor pool. Just look at games even 10 years ago, the graphics technology is worse yet they still look better even at a glance.
Goes back further than that, but yeah, 2012-2014 is when that shit started hitting in force.
But being woke isn't the only thing wrong with modern videogames. I think I would play a modern indie game that is a little woke before I played a modern AAA that isn't at all. Big game studios have destroyed my faith in them.
Time to put down the controller bros and build something real
1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things
@Wolffkran@luithe The infinity releases of COD and FIFA that still sell millions tells me that this game is going to get a billion sales. Yeah, there's going to be vomit inducing tranny ass fucking, but "game of the year, bro!" People do care, and most people will just suck it up and try to enjoy the other parts.
I thought the NFL BLM nigger rapists on the back of football helmets to show support for nigger rapists would be the end of the NFL, but nope. This shit is so ingrained in American culture that they would have to depict the crucifixion of a tranny nigger to catch a true boycott, but even if they did have a tranny nigger hanging from a tree with a burning crucifix in the background, they could play it off as "this is white culture, end whiteness."
"Holodeck, bring up Chicago, 1999, mobster warfare. Remove all niggers, please."
I saw on reddit recently trannies seething about people modding niggers and faggots out of Baulders Gate. This is the future, we can get that faggot shit out of our games.
@leespringfield1903@Silverwolf@GrungeQueef@tyler@MaleGoddess@Wolffkran@luithe It's not "women", it's jews and specifically their labor laws. Companies in the USA have laws they have to comply with on hiring a certain number of "minorities", or else they're liable for lawsuits. Straight white males have been legally disciminated against since 1965 via the Civil Rights Act, although the lawfare used to enforce it and the cultural shift from it has been slowly gaining steam from then until now.