@blueknightfrank Japanese VAs are on the whole objectively better and far more dedicated. Any noteworthy character in an anime or Japanese vidya is almost guaranteed to be voiced by a highly accomplished VA with tons of previous voice work to his or her name. Meanwhile, in the West you got people like that fired Bayonetta bitch who had done NOTHING for like 10 years except voice that one character, and she still thought she was hot shit.
@ChristiJunior@blueknightfrank jp VAs are not only talented but also dedicated to the point where they would even sing the ops of their animes and not only that but they are also profesional as fuck
@lewdthewides funny how jp va who usually put emphasis on their character more. Are more recognizable and loved by the fans then en dubs whose desperate to get their name out
@blueknightfrank >JP >Larger VA pool >Original creators often have input on casting >VAs have greater incentive to do a good job because of passionate fans
>EN >Smaller VA pool for dubs >Some faggot who doesn't like the work does the casting >"Fans" will eat almost anything up because they can't stand reading subtitles
@handsomewinner@blueknightfrank the trannylators are also 100% not giving the voice actors a script with enough context for them to perform with, nor does the dubbing director typically give two shits. And since the VAs aren't thespians any more they cannot make up that gap with talent (and also because they suck)
@DrRyanSkelton@blueknightfrank@handsomewinner To give you a glimpse into the effort that the directors on the JP side put out In senki zesshou symphogear anytime a character is singing for that scene, the song would be rerecorded for that particular scene so that the director would direct how they should be singing for that scene now consider how much money they are blowing getting nana mizuki to run another track each time
@rlier23@ChristiJunior@blueknightfrank I would hate anime En VAs significantly less if there was any sort of professionalism that stopped them from acting like spoiled children on twitter
@blueknightfrank Dubs are usually made by stupid faggots or lazy faggots. You need passion, and integrity and good voice actors, all at the same time, to produce something comparable to the original, which almost never happens. Sure exceptions can exist, but they are extremely rare. youtube.com/watch?v=aGA4LL0qkFk youtu.be/qVc_K8Syy2Q
@SIC_Guy@Marakus@blueknightfrank Mark Gatha is a really cool guy. He took a couple dubbing gigs as a side job while doing medical school, and I vaguely remember him going on record saying that he kinda wishes he could go back and redub the first bit of G Gundam because he felt he really found his stride in the later bits. Now a days he's a knee surgeon, though his official staff page from the hospital he works out mentions that he did a couple dubs and even has a charming drawing of the characters he voiced as one of the pictures in it.
@Vidmastereon@blueknightfrank@handsomewinner You're right, I'm definitely just yelling about the result of the problem and not the cause. I'm just grinding my own personal axe because I'm kinda sick of hearing Sasuke Uchiha's voice plastered over 90% of media that's even vaguely anime.
@supersid333@handsomewinner@blueknightfrank That is primarily a nepotism issue I dont see only having one voice as a problem especially if they are able to do it very well but It does illustrate the vast gap in skill between the EN and JP VAs Iguchi yuuka does both Hibuscus and Saria in Arknights and chances are you would not know they are the same person
@handsomewinner@blueknightfrank I'll be real it does get annoying when you see the same 4 or 5 actors in different roles with them having rather small voice ranges. Like I don't hate Yuri Lowenthall as a person, but he's fucking everywhere and it's hard not to recognize him because he does one voice.
@Vidmastereon@blueknightfrank@handsomewinner to defend the VAs just a bit, the usual EN anime cast of Fire Emblem niggas dub Radiant Historia remake so well it would make you like EN dubs. I am certain a lot of that crowd could do great things but the entire apparatus is full of queers who don't care and after that you see those same guys go back to phoning in Fire Emblem or whatever lines
@handsomewinner@blueknightfrank people rightfully shit on VA's but this is a 2 tiered problem barring the nepostism and that is that the directors suck too Maybe dubs would receive better reception if the directors told the Va's to drop the "anime voice" and do another take when they arent trying to make another ghost stories knock off reddit dub like kaguya this criticism is never applied to western cartoon probably because the VA for Azula in Avatar doesnt need to chew the damn scenery in order to get the character across