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@rher @idea_enjoyer >He does have a point,
My post was not addressing the escapism argument, which I do have a slight beef with. He wants men to conform to his image of the Evangelical man and claims men should get married, but then he repeats the "gift of singleness" error, which means he won't help men get married nor will he teach others to help men get married. Oh, he's also going to call egregious Christian male singleness as a blessing, as long they ditch all that nasty 'escapism" stuff like video games, anime, and anything else Strachan and co. dislike, as if mere rote denial of pleasant things is what makes a true man of God.
>Why is he so reluctant to place any of the blame with women?
He's a cuck. Strachan recently called for a Baptist and Reformed purge of anyone who has any semblance of White nationalist tendencies or opinions, especially anyone in any official church position. That should tell you enough what he actually believes regarding social transformation.
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@TheWanax @rher @idea_enjoyer >Isn't Strachan the faggot that's gone to war with the idea of Christian Nationalism?
Yes, that is because, while CN's pushers deny kinism, Christian Nationalism has an implicit racial competent as you must allow individual nations to flourish individually while being uniformly Christian, to avoid ungodly imperialism. Christian Nationalists like Stephen Wolfe are trying to weave their way out from the racial debate, but Strachan at least is smart enough to understand the stakes. It doesn't take much to change a Christian Nationalist into a Christian White Nationalist, example: yours truly.
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@SuperSnekFriend @rher @idea_enjoyer Isn't Strachan the faggot that's gone to war with the idea of Christian Nationalism?
He's grifting with his book, promising to tell men how to be men, in which he basically says to stop being men.
I liked this comment about him.
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@SuperSnekFriend @TheWanax @rher @idea_enjoyer Tower of Babel isn’t scripture?
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@King_Noticer @TheWanax @rher @idea_enjoyer Counterpoint: No Scriptures to back the doctrinal proposition.
D+ for sincere effort. See me after class. :jahy_smart:
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@SuperSnekFriend @TheWanax @rher @idea_enjoyer God separated the races for a reason
Seven words, ez
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@King_Noticer @SuperSnekFriend @TheWanax @rher @idea_enjoyer Doesn't fit the theme of the story, which is less about the racial component and more the shared desire to usurp God and potentially withstand another flood.
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@King_Noticer @SuperSnekFriend @TheWanax @rher @idea_enjoyer Scripture confirms that the nations and distinct peoples will survived to the end. Rev 7:9
>After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands
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@BowsacNoodle @SuperSnekFriend @TheWanax @rher @idea_enjoyer Doesn’t matter
Any attempt to unite everyone into one brownoid sludge would be against God’s will whether or not the separation was for racial reasons or not
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@Victor_Emmanuel @King_Noticer @TheWanax @rher @idea_enjoyer I agree, yet that is not the point of contention between pro- and anti-racial theologies.
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@SuperSnekFriend @King_Noticer @TheWanax @rher @idea_enjoyer Here’s something:
In the book of David a prince of Greece is mentioned (here a prince is a rank of Angel). now then the State of Greece did not exist at this point and wouldn’t until King Phillip. So how could there be a ruling spirit of a place that doesn’t exist? Because the spirit rules over the people (read: race) of Greece which does exist.
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@SuperSnekFriend @King_Noticer @TheWanax @rher @idea_enjoyer An economic zone isn’t a nation
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@SuperSnekFriend @King_Noticer @TheWanax @rher @idea_enjoyer God set the boarders of the nations Acts 17:26 I believe
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@Victor_Emmanuel @King_Noticer @TheWanax @rher @idea_enjoyer Key prooftext for position
Counter: No antithesis against pro-alienist interpretations. Not enough Scriptures for ethical demands.
B+ :jahy_smart:
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@Victor_Emmanuel @SuperSnekFriend @King_Noticer @TheWanax @rher @idea_enjoyer Whenever we see references to a people or county it's almost always referring to them as a group. To think otherwise is modernism.
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@BowsacNoodle @King_Noticer @TheWanax @rher @idea_enjoyer And beyond:
"They [the people of God] will bring into it [New Jerusalem] the glory and the honor of the nations." (Rev. 21:26)
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@BowsacNoodle @King_Noticer @SuperSnekFriend @TheWanax @rher @idea_enjoyer Perhaps, but in attempting to usurp God, Man necessarily makes an idol of himself. Here we see a clear danger: humanity uniting under an idol of Man is a sure doom for us all. This is perhaps not a slam-dunk in favor of racialism or nationalism, but it is absolutely an exhortation against the worldly internationalism pushed today. Perhaps a Christian Internationalism could be good, but that is not on the table and the dangers of Secular Internationalism should not be accepted out of denial for our current state.
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@nierenstein @King_Noticer @SuperSnekFriend @TheWanax @rher @idea_enjoyer Christian internationalism could be fine, as could Christian nationalistic beliefs. If law was actually enforced fairly, we could have most any type of system without as many hiccups as we see today. People in this sphere cringe at "Christian Nationalism" because it's an op to deradicalize people, but an actual nationalist society with codified Christian beliefs would run infinitely smoother than neoliberal hellworld. Even non-christian societies where the law is actually enforced tend to function smoothly e.g. Singapore.
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@BowsacNoodle @King_Noticer @SuperSnekFriend @TheWanax @rher @idea_enjoyer Surviving to the end doesn't exactly discount God wanting to have distinct borders and boundaries for the nations. So people attempting to centralize a whole bunch of different nations in an empire like fashion is usually not the best idea before the second coming. Even then it doesn't say we will all merge into one ethnos, its just that all ethnos will stand before Christ and acknowledge he is King.
A shadow of that idea is seen at Pentecost, when words are understood in a person's own language, not that everyone can speak the same one. God wants distinction.