Anyway, I thought it was some 3-dimensional nebula inside a database, but now I realize it is in fact all 2D, and there's just a lot of automatic duplication to allow accessing it in 3D ways. Now that I've built an index by hand it makes sense.
I really thought I was going become an artist, but after failing art class in high school I decided to become a coder. Follow your dreams.
@alex i don't know a ding dang thing about databases or querying outside of having made some queries in WAQL once and tbh i am just fine with that. My CS degree didn't even have classes devoted to those topics, believe it or not
@meso@adachi I actually did great in art class up until senior year. But by AP Art II my classmates were taking it a lot more seriously and I got a C I think because I couldn't focus on one particular subject or theme to make all my pieces around. I was less skilled due to not practicing as much. Then I created Spinster.
@alex coding isn't a real hobby. Go turn a wrench, collect some stamps, cast a fishing pole, buy a rifle, chop some firewood, plant something. Stop being a loser.
@alex TRUE. I am very conflicted about my college experience. About half the classes were useless, and it seems like the workload actually broke some of the students (it was not uncommon to see people crying silently on the couches in the hall during project submissions), and I am also loaded up with a bunch of debt now, but unlike a lot of schools it had a sort of boot-camp "we're in this together" mentality that forged the intensity for work I have now. I go back and forth a lot on whether I'd be successful without that last part happening.
@binkle@i I've never had to deal with pointers, but I've suffered from memory references enough. Getting that wrong will re-render your React components a million times.
@i@alex i have absolutely no idea how a person can't into structs or pointers, but i also started with C/assembly and went up in abstraction, rather than starting with python/javascript and going down in abstraction
@alex I had never seen this video before so I took the time and watched it the whole thing. I don't necessarily like how he's viewing all games through the lens of WoW, but if I take it as relating to those more neurochemically abusive examples (WoW, LoL, mobile games, etc) I agree with him 100%. I've known plenty of people who get involved in gaming and it zaps their motivation to do anything.
I also don't really blame him for lumping all games together like that if he really did have a problem with WoW since that can be a really hard habit to kick. I've literally seen it destroy marriages