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Müngoose Kikimora ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:45 JST Müngoose Kikimora
I hate to inform you, papists are at it again. -
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Zealist ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:32 JST Zealist
@Consoomer88 @Nou @doctorsex @d0c40r0 @mkultra i don't got a dog in this race, i believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose again three days later to redeem me from my sins. -
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Jim ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:33 JST Jim
@Consoomer88 @doctorsex @d0c40r0 @mkultra It's always interesting to hear from the yoga crowd.
Never particularly enlightening. But interesting. -
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Consoomer88 ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:33 JST Consoomer88
@Nou @doctorsex @d0c40r0 @mkultra >never particularly enlightening. But interesting
Like the pope!
Edit: How did we get saddled with the whole yoga thing? Lol -
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Jim ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:34 JST Jim
@doctorsex @d0c40r0 @mkultra I'm talking about the ideas behind the Reformation, since this would the thing uniting protestants (and I included spergs who insist they are "Reformed" rather than Protestant.)
The ideas most relevant to the point I was making here being theological liberalism, rejection of hierarchy, rejection of tradition, and democratization of the interpretation of Scripture. Since these are beliefs common to all protestants, and are all directly responsible for things like troon "clergy."
And no. Calling either EO or OO Protestant would be insultingly and absurdly wrong. -
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Consoomer88 ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:34 JST Consoomer88
@Nou @doctorsex @d0c40r0 @mkultra Catholics were the first prots when they broke away from the true church to pursue worldly power.
And that’s my contribution to the nascent hell-thread. -
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Jim ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:35 JST Jim
@doctorsex @d0c40r0 @mkultra Well seeing as specifically singled out the Orthodox in another post I obviously would never say anything as profoundly retarded as all non-Catholics are Protestant... which you seem to be asserting. -
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Dr. Sex, Ph.d, Esq. ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:35 JST Dr. Sex, Ph.d, Esq.
So clarify what this "identical philosophical underpinning" you are talking about, because I can't imagine what you possibly are refering to otherwise. Also, as a kind of side point, a case could be made that the original schism between east and west was a form of protestantism, but it's more semantic than anything else and tangential at best for this discussion so I wont bother with that point further. -
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Jim ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:36 JST Jim
@mkultra @d0c40r0 @doctorsex I fail to see how this is remotely relevant.
"My liberalism hasn't progressed quite as far as this other group with identical philosophical underpinnings to me yet" is a bad argument when the Daily Wire makes it, and it's a bad argument when you make it. -
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Dr. Sex, Ph.d, Esq. ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:36 JST Dr. Sex, Ph.d, Esq.
Just to be clear here, the "identical philosophical underpinnings" you are talking about in this case is "not being catholic". That is so broad as to be completely fucking meaningless. -
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Jim ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:37 JST Jim
@doctorsex @d0c40r0 @mkultra I responded to the claim that Catholics are unable to correct our hierarchy with an example of a Protestant sect unwilling *and* unable to correct their hierarchy. Lutherans are protestants. A Lutheran "bishop" is a member of their hierarchy...
Not even mocking you here. Can you genuinely not read? -
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Müngoose Kikimora ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:37 JST Müngoose Kikimora
@Nou @d0c40r0 @doctorsex
My brother in christ you seem confused with category errors.
The lcms has no bishops. -
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Dr. Sex, Ph.d, Esq. ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:38 JST Dr. Sex, Ph.d, Esq.
If lutherans have a hierarchy, it is a categorically lutheran hierarchy, not a categorically protestant one, because it applies to lutheranism and not protestantism as a whole. If baptists have a hierarchy, it is categorically baptist, not categorically protestant, because it applies to baptists and not protestantism as a whole, etc. Of course you can't say "all protestants are trannies" because that's patently absurd on it's face. "Protestant" refers to a broad category of beliefs whose chief overlapping characteristic is simply "not being catholic" whereas "catholicism" refers to adherence to a specific institution. -
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Jim ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:38 JST Jim
@doctorsex @d0c40r0 @mkultra Ok. That would be why I specifically never said anything resembling "prot hierarchy", and why you attributing it to me was dishonest.
As for "all protestants are trannies" if you look back, I was actually disagreeing with. And while it may not be exactly verbatim what you said, anyone with a 7 year old's understanding of the language knows that's what you meant. -
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Dr. Sex, Ph.d, Esq. ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:38 JST Dr. Sex, Ph.d, Esq.
>why I specifically never said anything resembling "prot hierarchy", and why you attributing it to me was dishonest.
You tell me how the fuck I'm supposed to interpret this. I can grammitcally break this down for you if thats what this fucking takes. -
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Jim ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:39 JST Jim
@doctorsex @d0c40r0 @mkultra -
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Dr. Sex, Ph.d, Esq. ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:39 JST Dr. Sex, Ph.d, Esq.
Oh, I'm sorry it wasn't word for word verbatim and anyone with the language comprehension of a 7 year old could understand what this is is supposed to mean. -
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Jim ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:39 JST Jim
@doctorsex @d0c40r0 @mkultra >he's denying Lutherans are protestants and/or have a hierarchy
Look man. I can't go as far as "all protestants are trannies". But you have your stance and I have mine.
Hey, you're right. Ascribing things someone never said to them is fun. -
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Jim ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:40 JST Jim
@doctorsex @d0c40r0 @mkultra Ahh.
So you're not dumb, you're just dishonest. I was wondering why you quoted something I hadn't actually said, but that clears it up. -
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Dr. Sex, Ph.d, Esq. ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:40 JST Dr. Sex, Ph.d, Esq.
What the fuck are you talking about? Where did I quote you, or even *claim* to quote you, you stupid nigger? -
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Jim ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:41 JST Jim
@doctorsex @d0c40r0 @mkultra >article calls it a bishop
>but their is no hierarchy
Lmao. But everyone else is a sped.
I'm sorry you don't know what words mean. -
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Dr. Sex, Ph.d, Esq. ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:41 JST Dr. Sex, Ph.d, Esq.
Yes. There isn't a protestant hierarchy. That is what I said. The fact that someone might acheieve a rank of "bishop" within the internal hierarchy of the specific denomination they are a part of has literally no bearing on what any other denomination does. -
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Jim ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:42 JST Jim
@mkultra @d0c40r0 Good thing social media managers appear nowhere in Church hierarchy.
Let's see how good of a job prots are doing "correcting" their hierarchy.
And yes. It's obviously a joke. I'm well aware the prot position is this is entirely "correct" already. -
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Dr. Sex, Ph.d, Esq. ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:42 JST Dr. Sex, Ph.d, Esq.
There isn't a "prot hierarchy" you sped. The concept of "worldly spiritual authority" does not exist in protestantism. Sucks for ELCA that they allow shit like the pic you posted, but I've got about as much in common with them as you do. -
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Müngoose Kikimora ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:43 JST Müngoose Kikimora
@Nou @d0c40r0
You've no authority to correct church hierarchy, lmao. -
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Doc ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:44 JST Doc
@Nou -
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Jim ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:31:44 JST Jim
@d0c40r0 @mkultra First off, the only thing I care less about than what some secular social media manager at the Vatican says is what people who are actively recruiting trans "clergy" think about what that social media manager says.
Secondly, the community note, while disgusting, is accurate. There are denominations out there "marrying" sodomites. It's utterly unsurprising those types (and others) would be wrong about jews. -
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Consoomer88 ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:38:55 JST Consoomer88
@Zealist @Nou @doctorsex @d0c40r0 @mkultra Oh, same.
I’m Orthodox but frankly am in no place to lecture anyone on Christ or His church, let alone preach or correct anyone. Most are likely better Christian’s than I regardless of denomination.
But I like shitpoasting too…it’s all in good fun. -
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Zealist ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:38:55 JST Zealist
@Consoomer88 @Nou @doctorsex @d0c40r0 @mkultra call me denominationally illiterate, i was raised in a non denominational church. -
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Zealist ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:44:43 JST Zealist
@Consoomer88 @Nou @doctorsex @d0c40r0 @mkultra to be fair i glommed onto my neighbor who's my best friend to this day's family and his dad was the pastor of the church i attended at a young age otherwise my mom is rather secular -
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Consoomer88 ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 09:44:44 JST Consoomer88
@Zealist @Nou @doctorsex @d0c40r0 @mkultra I was raised atheist so you’ve got one on me lol -
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Zealist ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:02 JST Zealist
@Victor_Emmanuel @EdBoatConnoisseur @branman65 @mkultra i like to imagine @SuperLutheran like this -
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EdBoatConnoisseur ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:03 JST EdBoatConnoisseur
@Victor_Emmanuel @branman65 @mkultra unironically nowadays christianity as a whole faces a problem not so different from the one solved by constantine at the council of nicaea
tho i don’t think we will ever see a greek priest bitch slap a heretic on the face and become an icon of christmass again.
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Victor_Emmanuel ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:03 JST Victor_Emmanuel
@EdBoatConnoisseur @branman65 @mkultra I could see Super doing that -
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EdBoatConnoisseur ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:04 JST EdBoatConnoisseur
@branman65 @Victor_Emmanuel @mkultra Oh for fucks sake, every organized religion organization on the west is about jew worship to a degree, the fastest you accept this the easier things will be.
On the theological side it is easy to say all christian denominations are blatantly wrong as they long abandoned the constantinian decrees in order to do whatever the fuck they felt like, both catholics and orthodox and then the sects and denominations who broke off them.
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Victor_Emmanuel ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:04 JST Victor_Emmanuel
@EdBoatConnoisseur @branman65 @mkultra >return to Constantine
I can get behind this -
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Victor_Emmanuel ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:05 JST Victor_Emmanuel
@branman65 @mkultra I think Jones has a higher profile than super -
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Branman65? ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:05 JST Branman65?
@Victor_Emmanuel @mkultra You can get the smaller ants when you have less ants. -
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Branman65? ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:05 JST Branman65?
@Victor_Emmanuel @mkultra Also spic Jim joneism is approved by the pope now -
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Victor_Emmanuel ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:06 JST Victor_Emmanuel
@branman65 @mkultra How philosemetic is the RCC if they allow E Michael Jones? -
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Branman65? ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:06 JST Branman65?
@Victor_Emmanuel @mkultra Honestly I think it’s like crushing ants, you aren’t going to get all of them -
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Branman65? ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:07 JST Branman65?
@Victor_Emmanuel @mkultra Ok. -
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Branman65? ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:07 JST Branman65?
@Victor_Emmanuel @mkultra Your point -
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Branman65? ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:08 JST Branman65?
@Victor_Emmanuel @mkultra Your pope has declared Jews saved simply for existing and that liberation theology is a-ok -
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Victor_Emmanuel ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:08 JST Victor_Emmanuel
@branman65 @mkultra E Michael Jones has not been excommunicated from the Catholic Church, Super was excommunicated from the LCMS. -
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Müngoose Kikimora ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:09 JST Müngoose Kikimora
Yeah but we're not self righteous about it. -
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Victor_Emmanuel ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:09 JST Victor_Emmanuel
@mkultra Your OP begs to differ. -
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Victor_Emmanuel ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:10 JST Victor_Emmanuel
@mkultra In the most technical way, sure. But the big prot denominations (Lutheran, Methodist, Calvinist, etc) aren’t doing better at resisting Jews than Catholicism. -
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Victor_Emmanuel ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:11 JST Victor_Emmanuel
@mkultra No offense to super and I wish his project the best, but the sede vacantists are more relevant than the catacomb synod. -
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Müngoose Kikimora ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:11 JST Müngoose Kikimora
well it is an objective answer -
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Victor_Emmanuel ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:12 JST Victor_Emmanuel
@mkultra Please name a denomination that isn’t bending to Jews. -
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Müngoose Kikimora ('s status on Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 10:38:12 JST Müngoose Kikimora
@Victor_Emmanuel catacomb synod
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