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GolfCartLady ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 00:55:33 JST GolfCartLady 🥓🥬🍅
🥪 :kitty_pat:-
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 00:55:30 JST Zealist @Twoinchdestroya @matty @GolfCartLady it has what 4 ingredients? bacon, lettuce, tomato, bread, mayo if you're feeling white. -
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Matty ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 00:55:31 JST Matty Sounds good! -
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Twoinchdestroya ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 00:55:31 JST Twoinchdestroya @matty @GolfCartLady I don’t think I’ve ever had a proper BLT
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Matty ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 00:55:32 JST Matty Sandwich time, miss GCL? -
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GolfCartLady ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 00:55:32 JST GolfCartLady BLT Samich :apu_pumpkin: -
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Twoinchdestroya ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 00:57:05 JST Twoinchdestroya @Zealist @matty @GolfCartLady Maybe I need to feel White more
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 00:57:05 JST Zealist @Twoinchdestroya @matty @GolfCartLady maybe, but nothing is ever gonna make you :p -
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Matty ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 00:57:53 JST Matty Japanese people are honorary Whites
t. mud -
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 00:57:53 JST Zealist @matty @GolfCartLady @Twoinchdestroya yea but he's vietnamese -
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Matty ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 00:58:19 JST Matty What are you then? -
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 00:58:19 JST Zealist @matty @Twoinchdestroya @GolfCartLady i just said JUNGLE ASIAN -
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Twoinchdestroya ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 00:58:20 JST Twoinchdestroya @matty @GolfCartLady @Zealist That’s a relief, if I were Japanese
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:02:54 JST Zealist @Twoinchdestroya @matty @GolfCartLady -
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Twoinchdestroya ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:02:55 JST Twoinchdestroya @matty @GolfCartLady @Zealist Mostly Chinese
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CrustyB ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:05:47 JST CrustyB Now I feel like eating Chinese. All 1.5 billion of them. -
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:05:47 JST Zealist @CrustyB @Twoinchdestroya @GolfCartLady @matty i had all you can eat buffet the other day, shoulda borught two with me to seduce the skinny chink waitress that way he can stop lusting after fedi girls -
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Twoinchdestroya ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:09:25 JST Twoinchdestroya @matty @GolfCartLady @Zealist I like to believe I have some French in me, according to some family rumors.
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:09:25 JST Zealist @Twoinchdestroya @matty @GolfCartLady french indochina >.> -
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Twoinchdestroya ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:09:26 JST Twoinchdestroya @matty @GolfCartLady @Zealist Irish and Italian?
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Matty ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:09:26 JST Matty I have no idea what I am. I don't want to take a DNA test. -
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:09:26 JST Zealist @Twoinchdestroya @d0c40r0 @theorytoe @GolfCartLady @matty -
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Matty ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:09:27 JST Matty I'm not White by purist standards so I'd have to boot myself if I applied the one drop principle :whoaaaa: -
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Twoinchdestroya ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:09:27 JST Twoinchdestroya @d0c40r0 @theorytoe @GolfCartLady @matty @Zealist Hump is Mexican
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Twoinchdestroya ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:09:28 JST Twoinchdestroya @matty @GolfCartLady @Zealist Am I kicked from NCD :sad_cat:
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Matty ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:09:28 JST Matty It's over wignat bros the NCD admin is a short fat mudblood how will we ever recover -
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Doc ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:09:28 JST Doc >ncd admin has admixture
>poast is canadian
>eveningzoo admin married a mexican
>decayable has a woman
I guess no place on here is good after all -
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T man :sex: :puffgiga: :puffpowerroll: ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:09:29 JST T man :sex: :puffgiga: :puffpowerroll: @matty @GolfCartLady @Twoinchdestroya @Zealist
>not purebred
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:13:55 JST Zealist @Eiswald @d0c40r0 @Twoinchdestroya @theorytoe @GolfCartLady @matty a white is a white as long as not kike, -
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Doc ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:13:56 JST Doc I thought he was spanish with a Mexican wife -
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Wrath ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:13:56 JST Wrath @d0c40r0 @Twoinchdestroya @theorytoe @GolfCartLady @matty @Zealist All this talk has me thanking God almighty that I'm a blond haired, blue eyed, pale skinned Anglomerican. -
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Doc ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:14:42 JST Doc I’m a black-and White haired, brown eyed, pale skinned Anglostralitexan -
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:14:42 JST Zealist @d0c40r0 @Eiswald @theorytoe @GolfCartLady @matty @Twoinchdestroya i got bro bro hair eyes *shrug* outside of memes i don't even give a shit. -
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Doc ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:15:25 JST Doc Same -
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:15:25 JST Zealist @d0c40r0 @theorytoe @GolfCartLady @matty @Eiswald @Twoinchdestroya my mom is blonde hair brown eyes. -
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:16:17 JST Zealist @SK1ZM @Bead @GolfCartLady @matty @Twoinchdestroya we doin this? -
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DeadBead ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:16:18 JST DeadBead @matty @Twoinchdestroya @GolfCartLady @Zealist It is what it is chief. I am 5% nigger, if graf applied the one drop rule I wouldn't even be here. -
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SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:16:18 JST SKiZM :confederate: Oh fugg. :AAAAAA_glitch: -
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:18:09 JST Zealist @Bead @SK1ZM @GolfCartLady @matty @Twoinchdestroya i did it back when everyone was doing it before we were made well aware that kikes were gathering this shit, i can't fucking undoit, BUT i still got a stamp of whiteness. -
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DeadBead ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:18:10 JST DeadBead @Zealist @SK1ZM @GolfCartLady @matty @Twoinchdestroya Man, why all you niggers giving your DNA to blackrock. Like I have an excuse in that my mother was adopted and I wanted to get a genetic screening so I could see if I had any health issues I might need to worry about. -
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Twoinchdestroya ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:18:37 JST Twoinchdestroya @Zealist @SK1ZM @Bead @GolfCartLady @matty -
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:18:37 JST Zealist @Twoinchdestroya @SK1ZM @Bead @GolfCartLady @matty 300% south east asian jungle nigger. -
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Anime Wong ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:20:26 JST Anime Wong @Zealist @Twoinchdestroya @SK1ZM @Bead @GolfCartLady @matty Could be worse. -
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:20:26 JST Zealist @Elliptica @Twoinchdestroya @SK1ZM @Bead @GolfCartLady @matty yea,1000% pinoy nigger -
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DeadBead ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:21:09 JST DeadBead @matty @GolfCartLady @SK1ZM @Twoinchdestroya @Zealist >virtue signal racial purity
But I have never seen a pure one of these. Everyone is a mutt. -
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:21:09 JST Zealist @Bead @matty @GolfCartLady @SK1ZM @Twoinchdestroya i'm racially pure bro, 100% WHITE RACE, no outsider dna. -
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Matty ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:21:10 JST Matty Because people are more concerned with their racial purity so they can virtue signal to people on the internet rather than just being decent people and building a better future.
Either that or they were just curious :thunk: -
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:21:50 JST Zealist @d0c40r0 @Bead @GolfCartLady @SK1ZM @matty @Twoinchdestroya iberians are white in my book -
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Doc ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:21:51 JST Doc yes it is terrible I am 0.6% Iberian I cannot claim 100% Anglo/Irish only 99.4% -
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:22:14 JST Zealist @d0c40r0 @Bead @GolfCartLady @SK1ZM @matty @Twoinchdestroya afterall they come from a buncha germans establishing a kingdom in that part of the roman empire :d -
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:23:09 JST Zealist @d0c40r0 @GolfCartLady @SK1ZM @matty @Bead @Twoinchdestroya memes are memes, but if anyone is serious, sorry you're in the wrong struggle. -
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Doc ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:23:10 JST Doc I know but sadly some think the Anglos and Irish are not -
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:24:12 JST Zealist @d0c40r0 @Twoinchdestroya @GolfCartLady @SK1ZM @matty @Bead oh well, some of you niggers don't even raise crops. -
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Twoinchdestroya ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:24:13 JST Twoinchdestroya @matty @GolfCartLady @SK1ZM @Bead @Zealist Might as well kill ourselves if we aren’t all at least 6’5” Icelanders
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Doc ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:24:13 JST Doc >he’s not -
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Matty ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:24:14 JST Matty You are not White unless you are 100 percent Nordic.
t. la creatura -
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:25:07 JST Zealist @d0c40r0 @Twoinchdestroya @GolfCartLady @SK1ZM @matty @Bead i think asian and european alike can come together knowing that they can and have practiced agrarianism successfully whereas niggers in africa have not. -
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Zealist ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:26:32 JST Zealist @CrustyB @GolfCartLady @SK1ZM @matty @Bead @Twoinchdestroya be a corn nigger to the system. -
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CrustyB ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Jun-2023 01:26:33 JST CrustyB I'm so White I'm transparent. But I claim Indigenous American when I apply for free crap.
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