One guy decided that if it was logical reasoning then it had to be language --even if it wasn't anything like spoken words or sign language, or math etc.
To him things like implications, isomorphism, etc. were language. To me they are "logical reasoning"
-- but, I'm getting far from my real point which is about LLMs.
I think a danger in seeing language as required for intelligence is the risk of seeing anything that uses language as intelligent.
PixelFed users!
You can also follow non-PixelFed accounts from other Fediverse platforms like Mastodon etc.
To follow a non-PixelFed account, just paste its Fediverse address into the search box within PixelFed. Its account page will appear in the search results and you can click Follow.
When you follow a non-PixelFed account, its posts will look just like PixelFed posts, and you can interact with them in the same way.
However, by default posts without attached images will not be shown to you in PixelFed. If you want to see text-only posts as well, you can switch this on by going to Settings > Timelines > Show Text-Only Posts, tick the box and click Submit.
To find accounts to follow on PixelFed, you can use the same directories as Mastodon etc users. More info about this here:
Accounts from the art and photography categories in directories are particularly suited to being followed from PixelFed.
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All GNU social JP content and data are available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.