@jcho Right. Even people who say, "rest is necessary, it's okay to take a moment sometimes!" are closer to getting it, but still missing the point.
As for me, I'm not afraid to show it much, but when I do hesitate it's either because I'm afraid of showing my privilege, or occasionally though not so much anymore I'm afraid of being yelled at. That did happen once on Twitter.
@sbi 28 TWh is a huge amount of electricity. The biggest Germany imported since ... ever? There's a serious shift going on since 2023. There's no need to belittle that point.
As for the 'cheaper' argument: I find that one truly interesting, because I see there an admittance that, apparently, energy production became uncompetitive in Germany. We were promised "too cheap to meter" renewable energy, but Germany finds itself importing, partly from France, because it's cheaper.
#USpol #JDVance #TempVeepCandidate
Good point.
As #Scaramucci said, how many Scaramuccis will he last?
#Vance seems to be in self-destruct mode, despite having written a bestselling book and being politically experienced.
Cached US Kindle giveaway: 10 copies of Shadow of a Dead God (Mennik Thorn Book 1) by @patricksamphire, which TO THE AMAZEMENT OF ALL, I not only have but have read! (Just recently.) I enjoyed it quite a bit; it was very reminiscent of early Taltos and Dresden books, which is a good thing. I have at least one of the sequels, so I should get around to that at some point.
As always, feel free to claim one, tell other people about the giveaway, or tell a fascist to fuck off, or any/all of those!
@ryanhoulihan That is exactly the point.
As much as you want to whine, see any feasible alternative to Democrats or GOP? No.
So realistically it's these two options and that means probably Biden & Trump.
Not voting, or voting GOP will not bring you one inch nearer to your dream. And that's a kind of unmovable point.
@freemo The only reason I brought up the Romans is because it's a historical touch point from an indisputable 3rd party. When you said "ancient times" in the OP, I didn't know you SPECIFCALLY meant 1070BC. You were being intentionally vague at that point.
As for what you would technically define as a "Kingdom", I don't care. I'm not going to argue that point. But surely we can agree there is evidence of a nation of Hebrews living in the region, under their own rule, not that of the Philistines.
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