@d0c40r0 :blobglare: Are... are you asking why a test of something that you were supposed to learn is not easy for you? You WANT something that *anyone* can just simply fill in with no thought? This is worse than the "what equation do I use" question :cryingcat: Now I know why nuns used to smack students with rulers :blobglare:
I mean I love you fedifrens :blobheartcat: but you're better than a robot, fren :blobglare:
@d0c40r0 >but what would you do if you didn't find the equation >but I did find the equation :blobglare:
My point was that you just wanted to find an equation to pop the numbers into instead of thinking about what was happening. I understand that you had the right idea and second-guessed yourself and became frustrated, but it's a bad habit (and I saw that a lot in my physics students too) to just try to get any answer that "looks right" by sticking numbers in random equations without understanding what you were doing, and you end up not learning anything or learning the wrong thing. That's all I meant about the "what equation do I use question."
I don't know if you will actually need any of this in whatever field you're pursuing, but if you do, it's worth taking seriously even if it's annoying. :blobheartcat: :hug:
One head of romaine, one (bolted) cabbage (oh well I can still eat it), some celery, 3 beets (& the greens of course), one chili pepper, one cherry, one raspberry, a couple of peas.
AND OHMYGOOSES IT ALL SMELLS LOVELY :blobheartcat: Why does fresh celery smell so good!? :blobheartcat: I had some celery leaves on an egg and cheese sandwich the other day and it was wonderful :blobheartcat: noms nomsnoms
@kf01@BowsacNoodle@Nou OH-HO-HO HENLO AGAIN FREN!!! Have you not yet experienced THE NOTIFICATION DELUGE??? I will have to go through your posts (very early in the morning of course to set your phone ABLAZE) WOOOOOOO :blobcatdance: :blobcatdance: :blobcatdance:
:owonom: 12 delicious tortilla/pitas/tacos/flatbread made, risen, and pan-fried in about an hour :blobuwu: never again having to wait 3-4 hours for simple bread :blobcatdance: :blobcatdance: :blobcatdance:
(:pepereeeee: why didn't I think of this before) nomsnomsnoms