@jimcarroll I’m lost too, but I appreciate your empathy and support from afar. I read through your website when Ben shared it yesterday, you included a lot of good strategies and recommendations. If you’re open to feedback, there were 2 things that stood out to me as slightly off from my mental health perspective as a psychologist: be an optimist, and mute/hide your anger. 1/
@jimcarroll Instead, we would validate that anger is normal, can be appropriate for the context, and can give us drive/motivation to make changes. We would encourage people to express their anger in healthy ways, rather than hide or minimize it. Of course, we may hide/mute anger in specific contexts or around specific people as appropriate, but as a general rule, it’s better to learn how to express it in a safe, healthy way rather than muting/hiding it. 4/
@jimcarroll Re: anger, muting/hiding anger can be counterproductive. Anger will come out one way or another, often in explosive, aggressive, or self-destructive ways when it is suppressed. Muting/hiding anger can also send the message that anger is shameful, wrong, or unhelpful (this is a message women have internalized for decades). 3/
@jimcarroll From a resiliency perspective, unchecked optimism can encourage avoidance and poor risk appraisal, which leaves people unprepared or in denial (like toxic positivity). Instead, the MH field would encourage realism: acknowledge the negatives AND also look for the positives. That approach is more likely to lead to effective coping and resiliency. 2/
@jimcarroll Just my two cents that you, random Internet stranger, can take or leave as you see fit. Again, I appreciate your support from afar and the website you put together to help people cope! Thank you! ❤️ (PS-Sorry for the numerous posts, I wish my instance would increase character limits!) 5/end
@ai6yr@jimcarroll My partner, for example, is of the “don’t panic yet, let’s wait and see what happens” mentality. He has the privilege to do so. But for those who aren’t of a certain privileged gender or ethnicity, the threats are concrete & already present. Even though the POS isn’t president yet, his win has given permission for his cult to target, harass, and threaten people now. It’s already happening. So be calm and don’t panic, if you can. But recognize some people lack that privilege./2
@ai6yr@jimcarroll I think that’s a good and sensible approach; however it’s important to remember that it also includes an element of privilege. For example, a person of a certain privileged gender and ethnicity may feel that the “threat” is still abstract and in the future (How will this affect the stock market? How will this affect gas prices?). Nothing has really changed in that person’s world yet so yes, there is time to settle down and think about those issues before anything gets bad. 1/2
“I've got one vote, same as anyone else, and I'm going to use it to move forward. I'm going to vote for Kamala Harris.”
I don’t know why this one hit me in the feels. Maybe because he’s known as a tough guy, he’s rich, he’s a bit eccentric…I was worried. But we all know that Indiana Jones hates Nazis, and it turns out Harrison Ford does too. 💙
Attn #NorthCarolina voters: Be aware of receiving an official-looking Election Notice in the mail. It’s a scam, but could easily trick people into handing over their information.
Originally shared by Moe Davis (@ColMoeDavis) on Xitter (screenshotted here so you don’t need to go there to see/share it)
Today, I invented 2 new Olympic sports that already exist. My partner and I watching table tennis:
M: I like when they play far from the table. They should encourage that more. Of course they’d have to raise the net to accommodate more power. And make the ball bigger so it’s easier to see. And use bigger paddles to easier hit the bigger ball. Maybe with webbing instead of solid wood so it doesn’t get too heavy? That would be a fun new sport. P: (sigh)…you’ve just invented #tennis. 🙄
M: This looks difficult. They have to start jumping when they reach the little block thing, but that means their last jump is really far away from the start of the sand pit. It eats up a lot of their jump. They should let them run and jump closer to the start of the sand pit. That way, their distance will be further.
P: (sigh)…again, that already exists. You’ve just invented the #LongJump. 🙄
@GottaLaff this is a really good read to help understand what’s happening over there, and how it is possible for people to come together to fight racism (take note, American voters).
And yes, I do think #Biden sounds tired. He’s stuttering and stammering. He’s forgetting and mixing up some facts and figures. He’s old.
But let me be clear: even if his team needed to prop him up like a WEEKEND AT BERNIE’S situation, I’m still voting for him. Because I’m not choosing who gets to take me to the prom, choosing my soul mate or marriage partner, or on a quest for a perfect candidate who represents my inner child. This #election is literally about saving America. OMG people.
SERIOUS mistake by #CNN not to provide real-time fact-checking during the #debate. They are letting the convicted felon LIE constantly, without ANY pushback, and then expecting #Biden to defend against it. And I don’t want to hear about how Biden looks tired, is misspeaking, etc. The convicted felon is straight up LYING ON NATIONAL TV with wild abandon, with no consequences. FFS.
Location: Colorado, USA Avatar description: A brown/black striped mackerel tabby with a white chest and clear green eyes gazes off to the left side of the screen. His image is superimposed over the classic retro laser school photo background. Meet Henry (younger brother to Diamond).