I found my passport this morning. I had thought I'd lost it, as I checked what I thought were all the pockets of my backpack and didn't find it before I left the hotel coming home.
Today, I did the laundry, and as part of that, grabbed a few things that had been in the backpack as laundry. And there, underneath them...my passport. Huzzah for unremembered pockets.
Now I can much more easily get it renewed before Dec 1, when it expires.
ETA: I just remembered when I got my first passport with an F on it. It was before my surgery, so I could travel *for* the surgery. Good for one year, then you had to prove you'd *earned* your new gender marker, or it would revert.
Anyway, transphobia aside, I remember looking at it, and the first thing I saw was nationality: "CANADIAN/CANADIENNE" (all our official documents from the federal government are in French and English). And I started crying right there - this was the first piece of ID I had been able to switch over, 12 years after transition. And there it was: CANADIENNE. For those who don't speak French, that's the feminine form of Canadian in French.
Only then did I notice the F, and cried some more, but the first thing I noticed was the nationality.