Now that I only follow about two people I haven’t muted because they are being inconsiderate with their political posts, I need more people to follow! Any recommendations?
Because I live in a tiny house, it’s necessary to make use of every inch of space. For example, the space underneath the stairs makes a nice cat cubby for storing your cats. #CatsOfMastodon#TinyLiving
@dalias I don’t live in a standard house, but rather a tiny house, so no drains in the floor for that reason. When I did own a townhouse, there was a drain in the laundry room. It’s fairly common where I grew up in the Midwest.
My washer wasn’t draining, so I did the thing my brain was telling me was a very bad idea, and I pulled the drain to see what would happen. What happened was exactly what one would expect when you open a drain on something that is holding water. I stood there watching water gush out onto my floor paralyzed by thoughts of how I was going to clean this up. The happy ending is that the flood spat out all the cat hair that had been clogging it for so long. Cleaning up wasn’t fun though.
@FromTheRostra My doctoral research on trauma indicates and if you are not concerned about care for others then you are actively or passively contributing to the traumatization of others.
@sand good question. I want to design my own characters, which I do in another app, to add to text to and then make t-shirts. Canva was great for the last two parts, but I dislike their business practices.
@pluralistic I very much felt this about Twitter. It was my main source of social support when died. I’ve learned the hard way how these online tools can just disappear overnight on the whim of someone who is incapable of caring. Never again.
Good news! We are recruiting participants for research on trauma-informed practices. We are looking for college instructors or academic administrators who are interested in participating in a survey about how institutions of higher education are implementing trauma-informed practices. 1/2 #AcademicChatter#Academia#HigerEd
Hi folks. Looking for some help. I think I'm going to stop applying for academic positions after several years with zero interviews. I'm now trying to figure out if I can make the switch to data science. Would anyone be willing to volunteer a half an hour of their time for an informational interview? Any other resources are appreciated as well, or thoughts on leaving #academia. Thanks! #DataScience
Former academic (yet still producing research on trauma-informed practices in higher ed). Fierce Luddite -- in the original sense. I don't take kindly to unsolicited advice-giving and mansplaining. Typos come on a regular basis. #MentalHealth #Cats #Hiking #TinyLiving #Disability #TraumaInformedProfile: A selfie of me (in a pink baseball hat) with an orange and white llama.Header: cops are dicks w/hearts and a bunny t-shirt