I think it's perfectly possible that ATproto addresses some issues with AP. I never spent the time to understand that part.
Because I stopped caring when they kept it closed initially and didn't make federation (as in, actual federation happening across meaningful boundaries) part of the MVP.
@Fischblog Das Deutsche Technikmuseum ist ausgesprochen interessant, inklusive Sonderausstellung zur frühen Informationsverarbeitung und in allen Themenbereichen werden Lektionen aus den Weltkriegen, der (letzten) Nazi-Zeit, etwas Kolonialismus, und der deutschen Teilung sichtbar.
Es wäre extrem wünschenswert, wäre Merz für die Leitung einer solchen Anstalt qualifiziert.
@Gargron Eugen, the OWNER OF THREADS and the entire platform guidelines violate "our policies". It's not about a single account.
Do they still meet the federation requirements? .online and .social already don't federate with many instances that explicitly allow and/or even target certain audiences and content.
Bit difficult to believe that #LibreOffice Sheets doesn't have a native function for converting Unix timestamps to dates, or accept "Unix timestamp" as a date format.
Die Polizei setzt in Deutschland auch - zu oft - auf Methoden, die einer anderen Epoche unserer Geschichte stimmig scheinen.
Dass es für unberechtigte Hausdurchsuchungen nicht einmal eine Entschädigung und offizielle Entschuldigung von höchster Stelle gibt, ist absolut unwürdig.
Das die Schwelle für Durchsuchungen offensichtlich viel zu niedrig hängt ebenso.
Wir übergeben wirklich schlüsselfertig an blau, hm?
@tante Hey @corbet, it's been awhile since we met! You've asked to not discuss this on the article itself. So maybe this is a better forum?
"Someone's stance isn't relevant." I don't think we can afford that anymore (if we ever could); e.g., to pick different example, the influence of anti-democratic/billionaire-owned companies on FLOSS, ...
I don't think LWN does the community a service by blocking those discussions.
Will this create strive? No. It'll make it *visible*.
@lxo Copyleft does not give up copyright, and it very much restricts how software may be distributed or used (legally). And yes, it'd be lovely if societies adopted human rights more instead of rolling them back. Especially those authoritarian regimes excel at that. One can also argue that they wouldn't care anyway (as they so often don't with inconvenient laws), so refusing to associate with them is probably be the only move. (Which includes not taking their patches.)
@lxo Is a "free for non-commercial use" license "colonizing" anyone? If yes, all CC NC variants would be, or is code different from code in this dimension? If no, why is "free for *some* commercial use"?