«These neighbours of ours with their scrabbling paws, flying feathers, trampling hooves, have names. Names of species. Learn them. Use them.» Inspired by Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson's book "Skogen" ("The forest"), I am starting a sporadic thread with species from a 100 meter radius around my home in Bergen, Norway. Gardens and forest. #nature
It is 498 years ago more or less these days, since the epic fight between two Hansa ships under Captain Carsten Thode and the pirate Martin Pechlin on the southern tip of Norway, close to present day Mandal. The really great thing about it, is that one of the people on Thode's ship wrote a detailed account of what happened, which is a great read.
Martin Pechlin worked for the Nordic ex-king Christian II. He was German himself, came from Fehmarn, just outside Lübeck. 1/* #history
Serious historians might say "No no, don't call him a pirate, he worked for ex-king Christian II, which means he was a privateer, not a pirate!" Sure, but to his victims, it really didn't matter. They called him "rover" "deef" - "robber" and "thief". Or indeed, "pirate". Pechlin preyed on shipping and vulnerable coastal communities, monasteries and such, between Denmark and Norway, in the summer of 1526. 2/*
625 years ago today, in 1399, merchants from the cities Wismar and Rostock were allowed back in the Hanseatic settlements - Kontore - in Bergen (Norway) and Brugge (Flanders). They had been excluded after the rest of the Hansa cities got fed up with having their ships and merchants attacked and plundered by ships setting out from these two cities, which were also Hansa cities. How did that come about? It's and interesting and pretty typical case of internal Hansa conflict: 1/* #history
Det blir bok! Framsida er klar. Hansaen i Noreg, frå start til slutt. Tørrfisk og meir tørrfisk, sjøfolk, kjøpmenn, sjørøvarar, biskopar, kongar, dronninger, sjauarar, drengar, barbariske opptaksritual, nordlendingar, skottar, tyskarar, pest, krig, fred, handel, diplomati og ikkje minst: Tørrfisk! Boka skal i hyllene i haust. Fylg med, fylg med!
Glupe mastodontar veit sjølvsagt dette frå før, men ei kan få ein graf til å visa akkurat kva ein vil, om ein er skruppellaus nok. Her er nøyaktig dei same tala - denne grafen er akkurat like riktig:
A visit to one of my absolute favourite museums as a language and history geek - which happens to be in my home town. Bryggens museum, Bergen, Norway, has probably the largest collection of Runic inscriptions anywhere. Found in excavations after a fire destroyed a large area in the oldest part of the city in the 1950s. Most are on wood, this on the leather of a shoe: "Amor vincit omnia" - Latin language in Runic script! 1/* #history#language
The inscriptions are 12th to 14th century, a time when it was previously thought the use of Runes had pretty much died out. Turns out it was used loads for trivial everyday messages - or for very serious and urgent ones, like this one: "My love, kiss me!"
Shot in the dark: #histodons Min farfar var skomakar og skal ha gått "eit år på fagskule" i København: "Der tok han sveineprøva, som vart lønt med 'Haandverkerforeningenæs medalja i sylv." Dette må ha vore rundt 1900. Er det nokon som har peiling på kva slags skule dette kan ha vore? Om det kan vera mogleg å finna dokumentasjon frå denne skulen? Bustad under opphaldet? Kva som helst?
Dagens jobbspørsmål: Kan eg kjapt få stadfesta at ordet "undik" er forståeleg i heile vårt langstrekte land (som me er så glad i) og ikkje berre i Hordaland?
@pilum Me bowdleriserer stort sett alltid litegrann, for ting er meir påfallande på tekst enn i lyd. Men det kjem an på målgruppe, når det skal sendast og sånt. Men no når alt kan strøymast, så gir det jo ikkje meining å tenkja "etter vannskillet" lenger, så... Ja, nei, kanskje eg skal gå for puppknulle?
Venstre-partiet Die Linke i Tyskland blir splitta. Ein raudbrun, putinistisk fløy rundt Sahra Wagenknecht bryt ut. Resten av Die Linke seier, dei kjem til å konkurrera meir mot AfD enn mot oss.
Har norsk-til-norsk-teksta* eit program om mat, og fått veldig klart kva domenetap norsk har vore utsett for innan kafé-/restaurantbransjen i Noreg. Det er nesten berre engelske namn på maten no. Chicken, beef, fries, bowl, etc, etc...
*Eigentleg seier eg framleis "ttv-teksta", men innser at det er arkaisk språkbruk no.