English translation from Norwegian: "What do they want to say to you? The tail of a wood mouse, dragged behind tiny footsteps, like a whisper in the new snow. A bold call from 300 kilos of moose that has rammed its hooves deep into the soft whiteness. What do they want to say to you? Just remind you that they are there. That they are living their lives next to ours. They ask for little. They demand nothing. These neighbours of ours with their scrabbling paws, flying feathers, trampling hooves, have names. Names of species. Learn them. Use them. Share them wiht others, talk about the species. Whisper their names quietly to yourself under the hood of your anorak, or say them out loud in the spring forest. Call out the species from the shades of the forest, from the half snow-hidden tracks that criss-cross our landscapes. Take the species with you into the new year."