@jwildeboer@touaregtweet It is a pretty comprehensive description. Shouting you are going to hunt jews is clearly antisemitic talk, but they mean those Israeli arab/muslim hating genocidal c#nts who are also Jewish. But the agression was not based on antisemitism, and those were the first 2 words. They still frame it but very suptile. imho. Thanks for sharing the article by the way.
@jwildeboer@touaregtweet Because I judge the impact by the opening, not the whole thing. The first few words matter and load of people just read headline.
Als er lui in je stad lopen die Dood aan Arabieren lopen te roepen, die roepen "In Gaza zijn geen kinderen of babies" en het gezag (#Halsema) doet NIETS dan gaan mensen zelf ingrijpen.
Uit NRC "De Amerikaanse president Joe Biden heeft zijn afschuw uitgesproken over de ongeregeldheden in Amsterdam. De „antisemitische aanvallen” op de Maccabi-supporters zijn „verachtelijk” en weerspiegelen „donkere momenten” uit de geschiedenis, zegt hij met een verwijzing naar de Holocaust in een bericht op X."
@b9AcE Israel regime think they can do whatever they like without any consequenses. Since no one gives a fuck about international law they are probably right.
@gerrymcgovern True, but it is not my future phone, been in since Fairphone 1. I am still using 2, partner has FP4. Very easy to (self)repair or upgrade.
I am from #Amsterdam NL, he/him. Working at a book store. Have been #political active most my life. Involved in #organising renters & fighting for affordable social housing #NietTeKoop. I have a #FairPhone.Generally interested in #radical thinking and #political #action. Toots in NL&EN.Stop #ClimateChange by any means necessary #ClimateCrisisFight fascism #Antifa and #Free #PalestineBorn @ 319 ppm CO2 in 1963 (425.8 @17 May 2024) :xr:Zonder Ommekeer Geen Toekomst