@botvolution Ah! In that case I don't know who Johnny Mercer is! I thought you meant the Tin Pan Alley lyricist and songwriter, which is what happens when you spend more time delving into American popular music of a century ago than paying attention to recent events.
Whenever the IT department says they can't help with my problem because I'm working from home, I think I'll send them a link to NASA fixing Voyager 1 despite it being outside the solar system.
An interesting piece looking at the options for anyone interested in playing Dungeons & Dragons more or less as it was in the early years, but with improvements in editing and organisation (not difficult). A good selection of links adds interest more generally, if you're a gamer who enjoys resources and articles but have absolutely no desire to return to the days of Bri-Nylon shirts and Bird's strawberry Angel Delight.
The Fantastic is Fact: "Getting Started with OD&D"
Muddled brain misread Dvořák as Dalek, leading to an *extremely* swift double take and considerable confusion. Now considering crossover possibilities.
First hint of snow in the Midlands and mum found herself without electricity. They remedied the fault (after multiple on-off attempts) in reasonable time, but you'd hope that our infrastructure would be more resilient.
Wow… I can't recall how long it's taken, but tonight Whartson Hall reached the end of Masks of Nyarlathotep. Although I've played it before, I never made it very far into Egypt before meeting a grisly demise, so this has been quite a trip. Did we succeed in saving the world? Well, you'll have to check your newspapers for 1926 to find out (or just listen to the episode when we release it on Friday).
Charlatan, Humbug and Imitation Humorist.Former sporadic cartoonist and game designer. Occasionally #Outdoorsy, sometimes #Cycling. #Ukulele torturer. #RPG player and GM at Whartson Hall. Still European. #LongCovid.