@paw@mekkaokereke it is very easy to think this way, but I have dear friends who live there who are kind, decent people. I guess I am saying "not all Americans," but I think that does need saying.
I was looking at a different story recently which portrayed Nicole McKee as far more moderate. But I just found this, which suggests she really is keen to get us to a USA style armed population scenario.
@hotkey@prefetcher I once built a system where the choices included UNKNOWN and NOT_KNOWN, and they really did mean different things. Still proud of that one.
I live in rural #aotearoa/#newzealand in an earth brick house that looks like a Romanesque abbey. I spend my time coding, making electronic stuff, a bit of writing, some woodwork and a lot of gardening.Weather permitting I kayak and hike.I try to use my old, white, male privilege for good.My header shows a mountain tarn on the Kepler track, with Te Anau in the distance (except the cloud got in the way). My profile is clipped from a shot taken on the Tongariro Crossing before I got tired.