At #fosdem John O’Nolan, CEO of @index announced the public beta of Ghost 6.0 to be launched in march 2025, to add #activitypub federation features to the successful Ghost software, released with MIT license and already adopted successfully by several news organisations. With federation enabled, Ghost will allow the creation of content curation platforms and federated independent news sources aggregating content from the #fediverse, è un'istanza Mastodon dedicata alla discussione e condivisione di notizie di scienza, ambiente e tecnologia in lingua italiana. La community è aperta a tutti gli appassionati di scienza che desiderano contribuire a un dialogo costruttivo e informato.
Netanyahu non bombarda ospedali, l'ospedale se lo sono bombardato da soli per errore.
Netanyahu ha bombardato un ospedale ma era una base di Hamas.
Netanyahu ha bombardato tutti gli ospedali di Gaza nord, ma è legittima difesa.
Netanyahu ha bombardato tutti gli ospedali di Gaza nord uccidendo civili ma comunque il rapporto tra vittime civili e combattenti é uno dei più bassi nella storia militare.
Netanyahu ha fatto migliaia di morti innocenti ma tu sei antisemita.
Max Kresh, a reserve fighter, declared his opposition to participating in crimes against humanity like "flattening Gaza." The result was severe social ostracism: "They kicked me out of my team. They made it clear they didn't want me." He returned from reserve duty feeling "mentally crushed."
The report, ‘You Feel Like You Are Subhuman’: Israel’s Genocide Against Palestinians in Gaza, documents how, during its military offensive launched in the wake of the deadly Hamas-led attacks in southern Israel on 7 October 2023, Israel has unleashed hell and destruction on Palestinians in Gaza brazenly, continuously and with total impunity.
130 soldiers have published an open letter and are threatening to refuse to serve unless a hostage release deal is signed immediately, and in effect, a ceasefire deal that could put a stop to Israel’s assault. Many of the signatories have already declared their refusal.
Il nucleare è talmente conveniente, economico e redditizio che l’unico modo per farlo è trovare un governo amico che ti fa un prestito da cinquanta miliardi a tasso zero, rischiando una procedura di infrazione europea per aiuti di stato illegali che ostacolano e distorcono il libero mercato dell’energia.
@rysiek@ciaranmak as a pacifist believing in UN charter as a peaceful mean to settle conflicts between countries my position is the same of international and humanitarian law:
Terrorism is always a crime
Invading a country is always a crime
Bombing civilians is always a war crime
The solution:
1) Stop killing (ceasefire)
2) Find a political way to settle the armed conflict
@rysiek@ciaranmak the only reason to separate the issues is to apply a double standard that gives a different values to the lives of palestinian people and ukrainian people. International and humanitarian law is the same everywhere. Universal Human rights are the same for everyone. If you think that ukrainian case can be solved by providing billions of warfare to the invaded country this should apply also to the palestinian case if you want to keep coherence to your reasoning.
The Belgian prosecutor said Friday it has launched an investigation into possible war crimes committed by a Belgian soldier fighting for Israel in Gaza. The federal prosecutor office said that the probe focuses on Belgian member of an elite unit of the Israeli military. According to multiple media reports, the man is a dual Belgian-Israeli citizen in his 20s from the Brussels municipality of Uccle who serves the Israeli army in the “Refaim” sniper unit.
376mila firme raccolte su . Ma non bastano ancora! Ci meritiamo un paese civile, che sia capace di accoglienza e integrazione, dove non dobbiamo avere paura di persone incensurate che vivono, lavorano e studiano da noi da cinque anni. Passate parola!
“The loss of science on #Twitter is a contemporary mass extinction event”, says Professor Edward #Holmes, who recently was awarded the prestigious Croonian Medal by the Royal Society. He has also deleted his Twitter account recently. “Twitter used to be THE place where you shared ideas, data, preprints and papers. Now it’s a post-Apocalyptic hell hole.” #scicomm
The summary of the Advisory Opinion of the international court of justice in respect of the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem
1) the State of Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is unlawful;
2) the State of Israel is under an obligation to bring to an end its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory as rapidly as possible;
3) the State of Israel is under an obligation to cease immediately all new settlement activities, and to evacuate all settlers from the Occupied Palestinian Territory;
4) the State of Israel has the obligation to make reparation for the damage caused to all the natural or legal persons concerned in the Occupied Palestinian Territory;
Giornalista, scrittore, autore di fumetti, promotore delle edizioni no-profit Di mestiere faccio l'ingegnere. Politicamente orfano di rappresentanza. Co-founder