while everyone is busy shoving their own dick up their ass for their five seconds of pleasure before their cock prices plummet, valve is actually releasing and improving features. you love to see it.
steam families are now way easier to set up and let you play games even if someone in your family is accessing one of yours. massive steam W. i don't think i've ever seen digital game sharing be this easy.
@coolboymew@berkberkman Digital Foundry was actually just talking about Valve making a Steam Machine sort of thing again but themselves. Not speculating, just musing. In the wake of the PS5 Pro announcement, if consoles are going to keep getting more expensive it starts turning more people over to PC gaming and if Valve can make a beefier Steam Deck that's just one of these mini PCs that can fully function as a console while also selling it for less or the same price as whatever is coming out, there's probably a market for that.
@LukeAlmighty@ChristiJunior That does make a lot of sense. I could even see Christians and Muslims fighting against Jews if Christianity, particularly western Christianity, wasn't already subverted by Judaism more or less at this point. From my point of view, Christianity and Islam have more in common with each other than Christianity and Judaism do, most notably to me the acknowledgement of Jesus as a Prophet being a lot closer to Jesus as the Son of God and a Prophet rather than a blasphemer who was murdered over an actual criminal and is being tortured for all of eternity.
However this is just another example of religious propaganda imo. "You like God, and you like God, so you should both go die in a war that doesn't really have much to do with that!" The US does this all the time with Judaism. "Jesus was a Jew, and most of us are Christian, so that means we have to listen to what the Jews say and protect them no matter what!" It's totally full of shit. The elite know *exactly* what they're doing by bringing religion into the equation because religion has been used to control people for an extremely long time.
@LukeAlmighty i'm a Christian (as in follower of Christ) but i hate religion so islam. i'd rather get rid of catholicism than atheism. as a disclaimer, though, i know i don't have quite the same views as a lot of other Christians do about some things so i wouldn't necessarily extrapolate what i'm about to say to all Christians.
it is a little hard for me to put succinctly, but by large i consider an atheist who does good things to still be working in service of the Lord. on the flip side, a religious person doing bad things is no longer in the service of the Lord. you don't just get to say you're a good person because you're religious. i see religion, generally speaking, to not be in service of the Lord because they are complicit in and complacent towards evil and corruption. an atheist might do something bad due to their lack of belief, but a religious person might do something bad or let something slide BECAUSE of their belief. i think the latter is scarier when you think about what that means on the grand scale.
Matthew 7:16-23 "Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
in my interpretation, it matters more that you are aligned with "good" (however nebulous that may be) than "religion." a man who is good but does not know Jesus is better than a man who is evil and claims to know Jesus, and Jesus confirms they are worse off for it. what someone does and how someone acts is far more important than what they believe in, or say they believe in.
all of Matthew 23 is really good for this too, in fact it is my favorite chapter in the Bible because it's Jesus absolutely dunking on religious hypocrites, telling them they won't make it to heaven and that they are more or less hellspawn. i bring that up to say that i really don't think it is whether or not you believe in God that matters, it is what you do in this life and the content of your character that does.
i know a lot of Christians tend to think that as long as you know Jesus you are saved, and if you don't then you aren't. that just doesn't seem right to me, though. i don't think going to church and saying your prayers and trying to spread the "good word" is nearly as important as being a genuinely good human being, especially if you're a despicable person behind that veneer of righteousness.
Propaganda is a hot topic in metal gear. Lots of talk about memes and genes, nature vs nurture, that sort of thing. How can you tell what a good meme is that should be kept? Like traditions... Why do we have them? Superstitions? How many memes are good but used for nefarious purposes? :thonk:
Asmongold: "I can do anything I want. I can go downstairs and I can slit my own fucking throat. If I can do that, then I can eat a fucking protein bar in the morning. I have absolute control over my own life, and if I want it, even my own death." :gigaChad:
You are the captain of your own soul. People who tell you otherwise are putting their insecurity and their lack of control onto you in order to feel better about themselves.
@tomie I saw "uzamaki" and immediately thought it was something Naruto related but then it started and I felt really stupid lol. They really nailed the art, it's cool they're keeping it b&w.
@LukeAlmighty I could be wrong but I think Jesus is called something else in Spanish and the Spanish name Jesus is an analog to the English Joseph. Iirc.
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