@udon@TerminalAutism What to do when things aren't working well: Step 1: smash your computer with a hammer.
Seriously, unless you're willing to fix the soyce code yourself, not sure how else I'd ASSist with stuff that were never designed to be run through Wine not working well.
@charliebrownau@djsumdog@Paultron I have an email address, it's all fine. I'm just withholding on sharing my email address openly in case I finally get OpenSMTPd working on my own servers.
@charliebrownau@djsumdog@Paultron Sounds not bad at all. One big problem I'm having with VPS's in general is that they all are either big tech, or use Goolag's reCAPTCHA, or are Cuckflared, but those who provide an API are more fine because it allows you to make your own UI for them, and you won't have to deal with the latter 2 problems.
ConoHa (https://www.conoha.jp/conoha/) doesn't use Cuckflare, but they're part of GMO, which is one of Japanese big tech corpoes, and they shill for SDGs very hard.
Some others that don't use Cuckflare and also isn't Jewed is Sakura Cloud (https://vps.sakura.ad.jp/). Or get yourself a cheapo static IP address and host your physical server from home, so you have unlimited bandwidth and easily upgradable storage at no additional cost. Or put it into a datacenter if you have the money.
@charliebrownau@djsumdog@Paultron So I ASSume SysV. In that case I don't think creating an init file is needed, as "service (ACTION) (SOFTWARE)" manages files in /etc/init.d directly.
@TerminalAutism I'm actually tempted to make a game that's only available for Linux and BSD. I wanted to make an MMORPG as there's not a single FOSS one out there, and Maid Dragon (specifically Takiya and Fafuniru) inspired me into making one for a very long time now, but might be rather unrealistic as a single developer project.
Well, theoretically it can be made by just myself, but will probably take at least another 200 great resets to get it released.
@charliebrownau@djsumdog@Paultron That one also seems to be Cuckflared. Is it possible for you to put them on your own domain name? Well, depending on whether storage space and/or bandwidth allows it that is.
Also, which init system do you use? Because I might be able to prepare an init script for you, since they only provide a SoystemD one, though I can't support all of them.
@TerminalAutism@djsumdog Oh, fuck. Though it's disablable, so that's at least good. But we might have to look into the IBM ThinkPads then, these were all made in 2007 and earlier.
> The owner of this website has configured their website improperly. The connection between you and v.joshwho-cdn.com is being MITMed by Cloudflare. To protect your information from being stolen, the add-on stopped further connection to this website.
@TerminalAutism@djsumdog yup. Anything with JS, and CSS is slowly becoming the next problem with lots of bloat. Just visit any random WordPress soyte even with JS disabled, notice how not only there's a massive amount of CSS files being loaded, but also how massive each one of those are, even after "minification", which really needs to become a punishable crime.
Let's not forget how images nowadays are made up of even more pixels than this whole earth is together in square meters.
yup.Pronouns: whichever the fuck you want, I don't care about whether you see me as a dude or a bitch.Political orientation: none, free human beings don't pick a side.Religion: no dogma.Birthplace: Earth.Current location: some Buddhist temple in east Asia I guess.Race: Lamborghini.Gender: kebab.Ethnicity: drawing.Native language: the one my parents speak.Wealth: when I was 18, my father gave me a small loan of a million dollars.Blood type: lemme check between my legs...nothing I guess?Tastes as: 肉まん.