The man who studies the spread of ignorance Georgina Kenyon for BBC (2016)
"Agnotology is the study of wilful acts to spread confusion and deceit, usually to sell a product or win favour
It comes from agnosis, the neoclassical Greek word for ignorance or ‘not knowing’, and ontology, the branch of metaphysics which deals with the nature of being."
In other words, we are complicit. That is why I am forcing a vote. Senator Bernie Sanders (2024)
"leading the effort in the Senate to block additional offensive arm sales to Israel through Joint Resolutions of Disapproval. We will whether anyone likes it or not be forcing a vote on the floor of the Senate."
The thing about calendars is that they are only effective at keeping your schedule if you are able to recognize whether they are showing the current day. I increasingly lack this skill.
@inthehands the last time I tried to be expedient and nab an early appointment, it was cancelled because they hadn't actually received any vaccines yet.
That's unusual for a pride flag. Usually the stripes indicate something like an emotion or a concept. For example, yellow and purple are also used in the intersex pride flag and have special meanings there.
Anyway, the white stripe on the gender nonbinary flag is for white onions.
is about white Evangelicals but the ideology is easily translatable to LDS terminology. I think Mormons are much more like evangeicals than people typically think. They both have theological beliefs that center male heterosexual sex and reproduction as the central organizing principles of salvation and society.
Applied and translational sensory scientist. Advocate for bodily autonomy. Nonbinary feminist killjoy.https://ttpphd.comAlt-text: me, a chubby faced white person with long dark brown curly hair, giving side eye behind some glasses.Banner: a person in a denim jacket on a bike with a life sized plastic skeleton attached to the rear carrier.