This article gave me something to think about: several undocumented instructions were discovered in modern CPUs, by fuzzing the instruction stream. It would be quite interesting to fuzz old CPUs too. Especially the 68000 family :)
@bhearsum I haven't read too much on the topic but it seems that the DeepSeek LLMs are roughly as good (or as bad) as the big bad OpenAI LLMs but need a fraction of the computational power... making Nvidia's future prospect look bad
I had not realized just how bad the news of the DeepSeek chatbot had been for Nvidia's stock price. I suppose that placing all your bets on a bullshit technology that nobody wants has its downsides.
The whole "Roman salute" thing needs some clarification. There's no such thing as a "Roman salute". It was made up by fascists in Italy and then copied by the nazi regime. Only fascists use it. End of story.
I hope that this year we'll be able to make this type of information accessible to more users and especially non-technical users. Plenty of them are affected by hardware faults that they aren't aware of, if not for general instability. We're the only project doing work in this area to the best of my knowledge.
Now that a few very rich people houses have burnt down do you think that the mainstream press will start caring about global warming? Asking for the hundred of thousands, or even millions, whose lives have been severely affected by it last year but who weren't on the news.
One of the aspects I like the most about this place is that there are several people in here who I genuinely consider friends even though I've never met them IRL. This is what "social" in "social media" is supposed to be for. Creating bonds, discovering things, discussing, growing in knowledge, having my opinions challenged. Not being spoon-fed mediocre entertainment, propaganda and ads.
I'm really fond of @animefeminist and their reviews because they watch all the new stuff and report on all the junk so that I can simply avoid it (and boy there seems to be a lot of hot garbage around). And when they recommend a show I already know I'm gonna like it a lot
So apparently a straight guy having enjoyable sex (for both) with his wife is gay according to MAGA lunatics. Which probably makes me gay too. And in turn this likely means that everybody on the fediverse is now officially gay.
If you have some old CDs sitting around consider ripping them before disc rot makes them unusable. Fortunately you can always rip partially degraded disks using whipper. I've used it to make perfect rips of very old discs, stuff dating back 30 years which I had used and abused as a teenager. It takes some time to do its thing but it's worth the effort:
The way the western press is talking about #Syria makes it sound like Syrians have no agency at all. There has been so much international interference in the past 14 years that they simply cannot believe that what is happening was done by Syrians for Syrians, and by them alone. 1/4
One of the most hilarious aspect of the last few days is that Elon spent billions so that he could simp harder for Putin and let his propagandists run amok. And this week the site has been filled with videos of Putin's allies having their asses handed over to them, Russian flags being burned and a never-ending stream of memes on the topic.
American capitalists may be waking up to the fact that grinding people to dust for profit while also letting them have all the guns they want might not have been a smart idea
@glynmoody yeah, two people with egos so large they affect the orbit of the moon. Can't wait to see what happens the first time they disagree on something.
2019: Black Friday discounts! 2023: Black Week, seven days of deals! 2027: Black Month, November's shopping spree! 2030: Black Year starts now, 365 days of discounts! 2033: BLACK CENTURY HAS BEGUN, SHOP COMPULSIVELY UNTIL YOU DIE!
Old school nerdKnows things about computers that would drive you insaneHacks on Firefox at MozillaTries to do what's best for users in spite of upper management