@evan You didn't tell me what the researchers want to research. I assume that if they want to do research in social media, it's about communication.
So it's about interaction between users. How does research work now if one user has consented but the other has not?
Again, the open, free and decentralized network #Fediverse is not open to such gimmicks. The #Fediverse is not a commercial network where users pay with their data. @feb
@evan Sorry, seems like a rhetorical question to me.
In such a distributed, decentralized network with so many servers, where the data is so interconnected, how can you guarantee the individual user that their data will not be used? After all, their data is not only stored on their home server, but distributed across the entire network.
But you can try to convince me on the technical and data protection side. @feb
@feb@evan Exactly ! It is **our** data and nobody has the right to do anything with it. Otherwise every admin would have to ask their users for permission. No, such projects **definitely** do not belong in the #Fediverse.
@evan I still worry when data is to be “researched”. How do you define “researcher” here? For what purposes is “researched”? What are the limits and who determines them? Too many questions for 4 options.
@igwigg Musste bisher höchstens hin und wieder blocken - im Moment scheinen viele blockwürdige Accounts rumzuschwirren und evtl. auch Instanzen, die solche Trollerei tolerieren.
@igwigg Ja, die Verknüpfung ist das Problem... wenn du dich in einem Thread meldest, wo sich eine umstrittene Person äussert, kriegt man die Trollerei auch ab.
@gse Das ist leider und tragischwerweise logisch - die dritte Generation nach 90 Jahren weiss von "damals" nichts, ausser sie hätten in der Schule bisschen aufgepasst - die Zeitzeugen von "damals" sind nicht mehr da. "Das nie wieder" verstehen sie überhaupt nicht.
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