@stiefel_fan Yeah, I agree that this is what Snyder describes. Unfortunately, we (as Germans) have a very different perception of what a patriot wants or is. @steinstory
@steinstory 13 relates to physicality. Snyder sums it up like this:
"13. Practice corporeal politics. Power wants your body softening in your chair and your emotions dissipating on the screen. Get outside. Put your body in unfamiliar places with unfamiliar people. Make new friends and march with them."
"That coup is, in fact, happening. And if we do not recognize it for what it is, it could succeed."
"The ongoing actions by Musk and his followers are a coup because the individuals seizing power have no right to it. Elon Musk was elected to no office and there is no office that would give him the authority to do what he is doing. It is all illegal. It is also a coup in its intended effects: to undo democratic practice and violate human rights."
You remember these posts ⬆️ Well, Snyder is warning not only the US, but Germany as well.
"Elon Musk schaue "kolonial" auf Deutschland, [...]. Er (Musk) sei auf der Suche nach Partnern, die seine Sprache sprechen und er glaube, "die AfD wird mir helfen, den deutschen Rechtsstaat zu vernichten". Nur "die deutschen und europäischen Gesetze können ihn davon abhalten", sagt Snyder. Musk sei "gegen Rechtsstaaten - nicht nur gegen den amerikanischen, sondern überhaupt" [...]."
11) Investigate. 12) Make eye contact and small talk. 13) Practice corporeal politics. 14) Establish a private life. 15) Contribute to good causes. 16) Learn from peers in other countries. 17) Listen for dangerous words. 18) Be calm when the unthinkable arrives. 19) Be a patriot. 20) Be as courageous as you can.
Snyder, T. (2017). On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century. Crown.
If there's a lesson you want to know more about, I'll do my best to summarise it.
1) Do not obey in advance. 2) Defend institutions. 3) Beware the one-party state. 4) Take responsibility for the face of the world. 5) Remember professional ethics. 6) Be wary of paramilitaries. 7) Be reflective if you must be armed. 8) Stand out. 9) Be kind to our language. 10) Believe in truth.
Singt "Reinhard Mey" eigentlich immer noch "Sei wachsam" und, wenn ja, kann er damit vielleicht die ältere Generation noch erreichen? Oder, und jetzt atme ich tief, sieht er noch keinen Bedarf an Wachsamkeit wie so viele seiner Generation?
If they're not allowing medically correct scientific language, can these manuscripts be accepted in journals at all? It's very likely to be incorrect or at least ambiguous language, it's against good scientific practice. It's also the end of academic freedom in their country, it's damaging the global scientific knowledge base and it's harming so many people. They're restricting science. They're erasing people.
The New York Times hat ein Video (soweit ich bisher recherchieren konnte) ausschließlich auf TikTok (und YouTube) gepostet und zwar auf ihrem offiziellen Opinions-Kanal. Die Aussage dahinter ist laut und klar und vielleicht ist das auch der Grund, weshalb es auf Meta/Musk-Plattformen (bisher) nicht zu sehen ist.
"Gender interpellates us, and we are expected to heed the call by ‘figuring out’ a relatively stable and legible gender identity. What happens when people refuse? What happens when you have cisgender girls who want to use masculine names and pronouns being asked to prove their gender identity in family court? Trans men who prefer women’s facilities for safety or comfort? People who refuse or can’t seem to figure out their gender being asked to pick a gender marker? ...
@slothrop Brace yourself für viele Überraschungen in der kommenden Zeit, aber es ist natürlich valide so zu agieren. Apropos Überraschungen, :ReplyNo: deutet eigentlich an, dass ich Antworten gerade ungern hätte. Ich mache hier mal eine Ausnahme mit dieser Antwort.